Pit Lorchel

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Pit Lorchel
Helvella lacunosa I Sumava.jpg

Pit Lorchel ( Helvella lacunosa )

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Lorchel relatives (Helvellaceae)
Genre : Lorelels ( Helvella )
Type : Pit Lorchel
Scientific name
Helvella lacunosa
Afzel. : Fr.

The pit Lorchel ( Helvella lacunosa , syn .: H. sulcata ) is a species of fungus from the family of Lorchel relatives .


A fruiting body of the Gruben-Lorchel under beeches with a typically longitudinally ribbed stem and a frizzy, lobed head

Macroscopic features

The fruiting bodies reach a height of 3 to 10 cm. The saddle-shaped, lobed, two- to three-pointed or irregularly curled and brittle head section is light gray to blackish in color. The hat flaps are covered by the spore-producing fruit layer. The 3–8 cm high, deeply grooved and longitudinally ribbed stem has a tough consistency and a dirty whitish to pale gray-brownish color. The inside of the stem is criss-crossed with irregular and elongated cavities. Young specimens have a pleasantly spicy smell, while old ones have a dull, earthy smell. The taste of the meat is unremarkable. The spore powder is white.

Microscopic features

The spores are elliptical and smooth. They measure 15-18 (20) x 10.5-12 (13) micrometers.

Species delimitation

The rarer white-stemmed or brown-violet lorchel ( Helvella spadicea ) is similar in color to the pit lorchel, but does not have a ribbed stem. In addition, the pit Lorchel with its thin structure, the lobed head part and the furrowed stem is very similar to the closely related Autumn Lorchel , the head part of which, however, has a creamy white color. In addition, the sterile surfaces of the Herbst-Lorchel facing away from the fruit layer have a fine, downy coating. This is caused by hair-like elongated cells and thus distinguishes them from the occasional albino forms of the pit lory.


The Gruben-Lorchel can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, parks and gardens from June to September. There are no special soil requirements.


The kind is common in Europe, North America and East Asia to Japan. It occurs both in the lowlands and in mountainous areas.


The pit Lorchel is edible . Some authors recommend using the mushrooms only after boiling them beforehand. In any case, they should be heated sufficiently during preparation. Various small animals can also be hidden in the numerous cavities of the lorels.



Web links

Commons : Gruben-Lorchel ( Helvella lacunosa )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files