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The Guangfuhui (光復 會 Guāngfùhuì, Society of Resurgence) was a political party of the early 20th century with the aim of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and establishing a republic in China.

Cai Yuanpei


The association was founded in 1904 by Cai Yuanpei and was active in the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang as well as in the port city of Shanghai . Its members included the women's rights activist Qiu Jin , the philosopher and linguist Wu Zhihui, the educator Tao Chengzhang, the imperial official Xu Xilin, and the philologists Zhang Binglin and Zhang Binglin. Other parties with the goal of a revolutionary end to the monarchy and the creation of a Chinese republic already existed before the founding of the Guangfuhui, such as the Xingzhonghui in Hawaii and Hong Kong , the Huaxinghui in Hunan , the Gongjinhui on the upper reaches of the Changjiang in Sichuan , the Furenwen in Hong Kong , the Yiwenhui and the Hanzhuduilihui in Fujian , the Gongchanghui in Sichuan , the Yizhihui in Jiangxi , the Yuewanghui in Anhui and the Qunzhihui in Guangdong . In 1905, the Guangfuhui merged with the Xingzhonghui and the Huaxinghui to form Tongmenghui , which was renamed Zhongguo Guomindang in 1913 .


  • Fukui, Haruhiro: Political Parties of Asia and the Pacific . Vol. 1. Greenwood Press, Westport / Connecticut-London, 1985
  • Kuhn, Dieter: The Republic of China 1912 - 1949. Draft for a political event history . 3rd edition, Edition Forum, Heidelberg, 2007
  • Schiffrin, Harold Zvi: Zhongguo Tongmeng Hui , In: Fukui, vol. 1, p. 267 ff.
  • Weyrauch, Thomas: China's Democratic Traditions from the 19th Century to the Present in Taiwan . Longtai, Heuchelheim 2014, ISBN 978-3-938946-24-4
  • Weyrauch, Thomas: The party landscape of East Asia . Longtai, Heuchelheim 2018, ISBN 978-3-938946-27-5
  • Weyrauch, Thomas: Political Lexicon East Asia . Longtai, Heuchelheim 2019, ISBN 978-3-938946-28-2

Individual evidence

  1. Harold Zvi Schiffrin: Zhongguo Tongmeng Hui , In: Fukui, Vol. 1, p. 267; Dieter Kuhn: The Republic of China , p. 48 f .; Thomas Weyrauch: The party landscape of East Asia , p. 133; Thomas Weyrauch: Political Lexicon of East Asia , p. 68.
  2. Dieter Kuhn: The Republic of China , p. 48 f .; Thomas Weyrauch: China's Democratic Traditions , p. 37.
  3. Harold Zvi Schiffrin: Zhongguo Tongmeng Hui , In: Fukui, Vol. 1, p. 267.