Guido Déus

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Guido Déus (2019)

Guido Déus (* 29. May 1968 in Cologne ) is a German politician of the CDU . In the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2017 , he was elected as a direct candidate for the constituency of Bonn I in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . He has also been honorary mayor of the Beuel district of Bonn since 2014 .

education and profession

After graduating from Beethoven-Gymnasium Bonn in 1988 and attending the one-year commercial college, Déus completed an apprenticeship in the higher non-technical service of the federal asset management and completed a degree at the Federal University of Applied Sciences (department of finance) from 1989 to 1992, which he graduated with finished with a degree in finance. He has been working at the Bonn Federal Property Office since 1992, which was transferred to the Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks (BImA) in 2005 . In 2005, Déus was promoted to the senior government official, where he was head of press, communications and marketing from June 2007 until his election to the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia in May 2017.

Political career

Déus joined the CDU in 1987 and is also a member of the SME and Business Association . He held various positions on the executive boards of the CDU district association in Bonn, the CDU district association Beuel and the CDU local associations Beuel-Nord and Beuel-Mitte. Déus is currently deputy chairman of the Bonn-Beuel district association and delegate of the Bonn district association.

Déus has been a member of the Bonn City Council since 1999, has been chairman of the municipal committee for business and employment promotion for many years, and chairman of the "Business, Science and Technology" department. Further focus areas are the areas of building and living, urban development and municipal economic development. In addition, Déus has been deputy chairman of the CDU council group since September 2019.

Since the local elections in 2004 , Déus has been a member of the Beuel district council and deputy district mayor of the municipality. On June 12, 2014, he was elected district mayor. In April 2019 he announced that he would not run again for this office in the 2020 local elections in order to be able to concentrate on his tasks in the city council and state parliament.

In the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia on May 14, 2017, Déus was elected for constituency 29 (Bonn I) with 35.9% of the first votes directly to the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia , of which he has been a member since June 1, 2017 .

He is a member of the committee for homeland, local affairs, building and housing and the local political spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group as well as a member of the science committee. Since the constituent meeting, Déus has been a member of the parliamentary committee of inquiry II (hacker attack / staff unit) of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Social offices

Before his political engagement, Déus was active in Catholic youth work. He is a member of the Rotarians and various associations in Bonn.

Web links

Commons : Guido Déus  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lisa Inhoffen: CDU parliamentary group in Bonn: Guido Déus elected deputy parliamentary group chairman. In: General-Anzeiger . September 24, 2019, accessed November 1, 2019 .
  2. Holger Willcke: GA interview with Guido Déus: The new district mayor Beuels on his goals. In: General-Anzeiger. July 2, 2014, accessed November 1, 2019 .
  3. Holger Willcke: Beuel: Guido Déus will not run again as mayor in 2020. In: General-Anzeiger. May 1, 2019, accessed November 1, 2019 .
  4. Working group for home, communal matters, building and living. Retrieved October 31, 2019 .
  5. Scientific Committee. Retrieved October 31, 2019 .
  6. Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry I. Accessed October 31, 2019 .