Guillermo Lasso

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Guillermo Lasso

Guillermo Alberto Santiago Lasso Mendoza (born November 16, 1955 in Guayaquil ) is an Ecuadorian politician and former banker. Lasso is considered conservative and neoliberal and was elected President of Ecuador in April 2021 .


Lasso is the largest shareholder in the Banco de Guayaquil (Bank of Guayaquil) in the Ecuadorian economic metropolis of Guayaquil . He is a member of the arch-conservative Catholic alliance Opus Dei , he speaks out strictly against same-sex marriages and abortion.

In the summer of 1999, following the collapse of the Ecuadorian economy, Lasso was appointed the first and only super minister responsible for managing the economic crisis. Lasso founded the right-wing conservative movement "Creando Oportunidades" (CREO, dt. I believe )), as its candidate he ran unsuccessfully in the 2013 and 2017 presidential elections. He reached second place in 2013 with 22.68% of the valid votes, while the election winner Rafael Correa received 57.17% of all votes. In the 2017 election, he lost 48.8% in the second round to Lenín Moreno , who received 51.2%.

In 2017 Lasso opened his second campaign as an opposition candidate, during the election campaign he announced that, in addition to a change of policy, he wanted to end the asylum of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and create a million jobs in Ecuador.

In the midst of the corona pandemic and a severe economic crisis, he ran for the third time as a presidential candidate in the presidential and parliamentary elections in Ecuador in 2021 and lost significantly in the first round against the social democrat Andrés Arauz . Lasso only prevailed very thinly against the green candidate Yaku Pérez as a candidate for the runoff election. Surprisingly, he won the runoff election on April 11th, Arauz was ahead in almost all polls and became President of Ecuador . The call for an election boycott by the indigenous alliance, consisting of the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples (CONAIE) and its political arm Pachakutik , had an impact. He will take office on May 24th. Lasso's alliance of the Christian Social PSC and his own CREO party only had 30 of the 137 seats in parliament.

Picture gallery

Web links

Commons : Guillermo Lasso  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. CREO enrolled Lasso-Solines binomial ( Memento from November 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Feb. 17, 2013 Held, 9,467,062 Voted, Republic of Ecuador. In: Retrieved April 12, 2021 .
  3. Inter-Parliamentary Union: IPU PARLINE database: ECUADOR (Asamblea Nacional), Last elections. Retrieved April 12, 2021 .
  4. ^ Possible runoff election in Ecuador. In: Die Zeit Online, accessed on February 20, 2017.
  5. Guillermo Lasso inicia su campaña electoral visitando puerta a puerta a ciudadanos en Guayaquil ,, January 3, 2017 (Spanish).
  6. Ecuador: presidenciales dividen al movimiento indígena, clave para definir el balotaje (Spanish) . In: France24 , April 11, 2021. Retrieved April 11, 2021. 
  7. Left-wing candidate Castillo in Peru in front - Lasso wins the runoff election in Ecuador. In:, April 12, 2021, accessed on the same day.
  8. Neoliberal Lasso wins the runoff election in Ecuador by a narrow margin