Gunter Gross-Selbeck

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Gunter Gross-Selbeck (born May 20, 1939 in Kiel ) is a German neuropediatrist and epileptologist .


Gross-Selbeck grew up in Kiel and studied in Freiburg , Vienna and most recently in Kiel (PhD 1966). He spent his medical assistantship in 1967 and 1968 in Kiel and Bielefeld . From 1969 to 1978 he was initially assistant and later senior physician at the Clinic for Neuropediatrics at the University Children's Hospital in Kiel (with Hermann Doose ) as part of his specialist training . After his habilitation in 1978 with "investigations into the personality structure of children and adolescents with electroencephalographically detectable photosensitivity", he became a private lecturer and deputy director of the clinic.

From 1979 to 2004 he was chief physician of the Pediatric Neurological Center of the City of Düsseldorf at the Gerresheim Hospital. In 1984 he was appointed associate professor at the University of Düsseldorf .

Gross-Selbeck was u. a. from 1995 to 1996 President of the (German-Austria-Swiss) Society for Neuropediatrics and from 2001 to 2003 Chairman of the German Section of the ILAE (since 2004: German Society for Epileptology [DGfE]).


During his time in Düsseldorf he was a. a. one of the co-founders of the now widely established social pediatrics. He repeatedly pointed out that epilepsy is not only defined by seizures, but also by accompanying ( neuro ) psychological and socio-medical aspects.

Since his retirement, he and his wife Claudia (physiotherapist) have been involved in several countries, mainly in the so-called “ Third World ”. You have set up a neurological rehabilitation facility for children and young people in Nepal with an outpatient clinic in Kathmandu and branch offices in numerous districts. In addition, several months of work followed in Mongolia , Yemen and China as well as in several orphanages for disabled children and young people in Azerbaijan . The training of doctors, nurses and therapists on site was just as important to them as the support in setting up organizational structures with the aim of sustainable independence for the institutions supported.


Gross-Selbeck is (co-) author of numerous articles in national and international journals as well as book chapters. He is also (co-) author and (co-) editor of 12 books:

  1. Doose H, Gross-Selbeck G, Hrsg. Epilepsie 1978. Epilepsy-induced brain damage - Psychogenic seizures - Audiovisual seizure analysis. Annual meeting of the German section of the International League against Epilepsy, Kiel, May 1978. Stuttgart, G. Thieme 1979
  2. Doose H, Dam M, Gross-Selbeck G, Meinardi H, Ed. Epilepsy 1979. Marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, genetic counseling. Meeting of the German, Danish, Dutch and Swiss sections of the International League Against Epilepsy. Regional Congress of Epilepsy International, Kiel, May 1979. Stuttgart - New York, G. Thieme 1980; English edition: Gross-Selbeck G, Doose H, eds. Epilepsy - Problems of Marriage, Pregnancy, Genetic Counceling. Stuttgart - New York / New York, G. Thieme / Thieme-Stratton 1981
  3. Gross-Selbeck G, ed. The child suffering from attacks. Hamburg, edition m + p Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1982
  4. Gross-Selbeck G, ed. The child suffering from attacks. Volume 3. Treatment of childhood epilepsies and side effects of antiepileptic therapy. Edition m + p Dr. Werner Rudat 1984
  5. Gross-Selbeck G, Hrsg. Das Seizkranke Kind, Volume 4. Differential Diagnosis of Cerebral Seizures. Hamburg, edition m + p Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1986
  6. Gross-Selbeck G, Hrsg. Das Seizkranke Kind, Volume 6. Advances and Problems in Epilepsy Therapy. Hamburg, edition m + p Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1989
  7. Gross-Selbeck G, Hrsg. Das Seizkranke Kind, Volume 7. Clinic and therapy of epilepsies in childhood. Hamburg, edition m + p Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1991
  8. Gross-Selbeck G, ed. The child with attacks, Volume 8. The so-called benign partial epilepsies in childhood. Hamburg, medicin + pharmazie Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1993
  9. Besser R, Gross-Selbeck G, Boenigk HE, Ed. Epilepsy Syndrome - Therapiestrategien. Stuttgart - New York, G. Thieme 1993; last edition: Besser R, Gross-Selbeck G, Hrsg. Epilepsiesyndrome - Therapiestrategien. Guide for clinic and practice. 3rd, revised edition. Stuttgart - New York, G. Thieme 2003
  10. Gross-Selbeck G, ed. The child suffering from attacks, volume 10. Early childhood attacks and epilepsy syndromes. Hamburg, medicin + pharmazie Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1995
  11. Gross-Selbeck G, Ed. Current Neuropädiatrie 1995. Reorganization and compensation mechanisms - Metabolic diseases and dystrophic disease processes - Development and developmental disorders - Epilepsies - Neuromuscular, vascular and inflammatory diseases. 21st annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Neurology, Düsseldorf, October 1995. Wehr, Ciba-Geigy 1996
  12. Gross-Selbeck G, ed. The child suffering from attacks, Volume 11. Difficult questions in the treatment of children suffering from attacks. Hamburg, medicin + pharmacie Dr. W. Rudat & Co 1999


  • 2004: Honorary member of the (German-Austrian-Swiss) Society for Pediatric Neurology
  • 2013: Honorary membership of the DGfE
  • 2014: (like his wife Claudia) with the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bettendorf U. Honorary membership of Professor Dr. Gunter Gross-Selbeck (laudation). Z Epileptol 2013; 26: 172