Guntram upholstery

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Guntram Polster (born May 28, 1887 ; † 1945 ) was Mining Captain of the Dortmund Oberbergamt .


After the two state examinations, Guntram Polster worked in the Bonn Oberbergamts district before he had to work with the weapon shortly before the end of the war . In 1919 he became an unskilled worker in the mining administration in Waldenburg (Silesia) and came to Westphalia in 1921, where he first became an unskilled worker in Buer and then in 1923 a mining assessor at the Dortmund Oberbergamt. In 1933 he replaced Karl Hatzfeld in his office as mining captain of the Dortmund Oberbergamt; he remained in this office until he left the Oberbergamt Wien on June 24, 1940. His successor in office was Friedrich Nolte . Guntram Polster had been a member of the NSDAP since 1931 . His wife Elisabeth Pförtner (1891–1975) was Gaufrauenschaftsleiterin in Buer.


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918–1945 / 46), publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia, Series 22 A: Historical works on Westphalian research, economic and social history group, vol. 16, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-402-06799-4

Web links

Guntram Polster Short biography on the Internet portal "Westphalian History"

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daniel Schmidt (Hrsg.): Gelsenkirchen in National Socialism. Catalog for the permanent exhibition, series of publications by the Institute for Urban History. Materials, Volume 12. Essen, 2017