Gustav Adam von Nolcken

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Baron Gustav Adam von Nolcken

Gustav Adam von Nolcken ( Swedish : Gustaf Adam von Nolcken, born September 17, 1733 in Stralsund , † September 16, 1812 in London ) was a German-Baltic nobleman and served the Swedish crown as a diplomat .


Gustav Adam initially took on a position as a clerk for foreign affairs in 1750 and was appointed to the office of employee in the same year . In 1754 he took up the post of royal court squire . He then began his first foreign mission as Commission Secretary in Berlin and was transferred to the Swedish Foreign Affairs Office in 1757. In 1761 he took over the position of an embassy secretary in Augsburg . In 1763 he was appointed chamberlain to the Swedish royal court and in the same year took over the office of special ambassador in London. 1773 he was awarded the North Star Order ( Commander ) decorated . In 1793 he refused to be appointed President of the Swedish Court of Appeal and stayed in London until his death.


Family coat of arms of the von Nolcken family

The noble family von Nolcken was of German-Baltic origin. She lived in Livonia and on the island of Ösel . There she owned several estates and had considerable political influence. His father Erich Matthias von Nolcken (1694–1755) and his younger brother Johann Friedrich von Nolcken (1737–1809) were also Swedish diplomats. Gustav Adam was married to Mary Roche (* 1744) in his first marriage and to the lady-in-waiting Mary Adelaide Fermoy of Fermoy in his second marriage . The two sons Gustav and Georg von Nolcken grew out of the first marriage, they stayed in Great Britain . George's godfather was King George III. (1738-1820).

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