Gustav Dannich

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Gustav Dannich (born August 11, 1881 in Nieder Hermsdorf , † May 1, 1923 in Berlin ) was a German trade union official, local councilor in Hoengen and member of the Rhenish provincial council for the SPD .


Born in the Waldenburg coal field in Silesia , Dannich first became a metal worker and then a miner. In 1907 he came to the Ruhr area . After he was fired there in 1911 because of his work as a trade unionist, he went to Limburg and then to the Aachen district . There he continued his commitment as an employee of the Association of Miners. He became a shop steward of the Hoengen Paying Agency (today a district of Alsdorf in the Aachen city region), member of the district commission, assistant to the district manager, spokesman and negotiator in collective bargaining . In 1919 he was elected to the Rhenish Provincial Parliament as an SPD member and belonged to it until his death. He was also represented in the local council of Hoengen. Dannich died on May 1, 1923 in Berlin after collective bargaining of the consequences of a heart attack. With great sympathy from the population and his colleagues, he was buried on May 8th in Mariadorf . Today a memorial stone in the local cemetery commemorates his work.


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Individual evidence

  1. New memorial is supposed to keep memories of legendary buddies alive. In: Aachener Zeitung. March 24, 2009, accessed April 2, 2017 .
  2. Répertoire numérique détaillé des articles AJ / 9/1/1 à AJ / 9/56, dossiers 1 à 4174. Archives nationales (France), 2005, accessed on April 2, 2017 .
  3. Member of the Rhenish Provincial Parliament 1888-1933. (PDF) In: LVR archive advice and training center. Retrieved April 2, 2017 .
  4. Our comrade Dannich's last trip. In a newspaper article without further bibliographical information
  5. Gustav Dannich †. In: Bergarbeiterzeitung Bochum, May 12, 1923, 35th year, no.19