Gustav Nitsche

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Gustav Nitsche (born April 27, 1892 in Greppin ; † April 9, 1966 ) was a German KPD functionary. He was a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the KPD.


Nitsche, the son of a factory worker, trained as a machine fitter . After his military service , Nitsche worked as a locksmith at the aniline factory in Wolfen until April 1933 , where he was a member of the works and workers' council.

In 1911 he joined the SPD . In 1918 he switched to the USPD and joined the KPD with the USPD Left in December 1920. Nitsche was for a time Polleiter of the local group Greppin of the KPD as well as a member of the subdistrict leadership Bitterfeld and the district leadership Halle-Merseburg. From May 1924 he was elected community representative in Greppin, and in 1929 he was elected to the district council of Bitterfeld.

In 1930 Nitsche was expelled from the German Metalworkers' Association and subsequently became a member of the Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition . He represented the Central German chemical factory workers as a delegate at the XII. Party congress of the KPD in June 1929 in Berlin-Wedding . On this Nitsche was elected to the Central Committee of the KPD, to which he belonged until 1931.

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists, he was arrested on May 6, 1933 and remained in " protective custody " in Lichtenburg concentration camp until April 1934 . He was then under police supervision until 1940. Nitsche found work as an emergency worker or locksmith at the Bitterfeld power plant.

At the end of April 1945 he was appointed mayor of Greppin by the American military command . When the Red Army occupied the region on July 1, 1945 , in accordance with the Allied agreements of Yalta , he was confirmed as mayor and remained in this office until 1950. Afterwards Nitsche worked again as a locksmith in the Wolfen paint factory. Nitsche had been a member of the SED since 1946 .


  • In Wolfen-Nord the 10th POS "Gustav Nitsche" was named after him until 1992 .


  • Hermann Weber : The change in German communism. The Stalinization of the KPD in the Weimar Republic . Volume 2. European Publishing House, Frankfurt am Main 1969, p. 13f.
  • Nitsche, Gustav . In: Hermann Weber, Andreas Herbst : German Communists. Biographisches Handbuch 1918 to 1945. 2nd, revised and greatly expanded edition. Dietz, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 .