Gustav Simons

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Gustav Simons (* 1861 ; † September 13, 1914 in Oranienburg ) was a German, völkisch life reformer .


The landowner's son Simons attended the Archigymnasium Soest , studied in Bonn and Heidelberg. He was initially an artillery officer up to captain, but came closer to life reform and strived for a fusion of life reform movements such as vegetarianism , land reform , free money, etc. a. In addition, he represented völkisch ideas, first in Ernst Henricis Sozialem Reichsverein , and belonged to the " Order of the New Temple " of Lanz von Liebenfels . Members of the order could only be blue-eyed, blond-haired men who committed themselves to "pure breeding". At times he was close to Guido von List's ideas and the anti-Semitism of Eugen Dühring , as well as Silvio Gesell's free economy . From 1910/11 he published the magazine Neues Leben , which was a copy of the Austrian magazine Gustav Rösler (1862-1946). Both were united in 1914 shortly before Simons' death. In 1908 Simons also imitated Rösler's German Cultural Association in order to propagate his ideas. A congress for biological hygiene took place in Hamburg in 1912. The magazine and the Kulturbund passed into the hands of Ernst Hunkel .

Simons published numerous papers on nutritional reform . He was one of the “bread reformers” who recognized the nutritional and physiological importance of whole grain as early as the late 19th century. Therefore, in 1896, according to a Russian recipe, he developed “ Simonsbrot ”, a wholemeal bread that was particularly suitable for those with stomach and intestinal diseases. He marketed this product through licensed bakeries.

Gustav Simons spent the last years of his life in Eden . He died of consumption .

In 2009, the city ​​of Soest renamed a street that was previously named after Simons.


  • The German people's diet , Soest 1907
  • The natural worldview. A guide through life's labyrinth , Stettin 1908
  • Kitchen sins and public health. A book for the art of living and against the stencil , Berlin 1905 digitized
  • Soil fertilization: plant growth - human health; a guide f. thinking garden friends , Leipzig 1911, repr. 2017
  • The German garden city. Their nature and their current types , Wittenberg 1912
  • The great school reform - a political question of power , Deutscher Kulturbund, Oranienburg digitized in 1912
  • Overcoming capitalism a prerequisite for public health , Deutscher Kulturbund, Oranienburg 1913


  • Wolfgang Benz (Ed.): Handbook of Antisemitism , Volume 5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements. 2012, pp. 175-177 ISBN 978-3-598-24078-2 .
  • Sabine Merta: Paths and wrong ways to the modern slimness cult: Diet food and physical culture as a search for new forms of lifestyle 1880-1930 , Steiner, Wiesbaden 2003 ISBN 978-3515081092

Single receipts

  1. Peter GJ Pulzer : The emergence of political anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria 1867-1914 , Göttingen 2004, p. 249 (first 1966)
  2. Simons in Eden
  3. ^ Gustav-Simons-Strasse in Soest