Gustav Stoll

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The horticultural inspector and economic adviser Prof. Dr. Gustav Stoll (born September 1814 in Ottorowo, Samter district , Posen province , † after 1892) was a German pomologist . For 24 years, from 1868 to 1892, he was the first director of the Royal Pomological Institute in Proskau near Opole in Upper Silesia .

Life path

Stoll attended the high school in Czarnikau from 1825 to 1830 and then went on to do an apprenticeship with court gardener Kleemann in the then well-known market garden in Carolath . After completing his gardening apprenticeship, Stoll worked for two years in the court garden of Charlottenburg , then completed his one-year military service and worked for the next two years, until the end of 1838, as a gardener's assistant in the botanical garden of Breslau , where he studied botany with Prof. Dr. . Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees was supported by Esenbeck . From the beginning of 1839 to 1842 he laid out a large park in San Lorenzo in Istria on behalf of the Marquis of Fabris . He then became an instructor at the Botanical Garden in Genoa . From there, in 1842, Stoll traveled to southern France, Naples , Sicily and Dalmatia, among others, and collected rare plants, minerals, conchylia (shells) and the like. In February 1843 Gustav Stoll was entrusted with the management and redesign of the Villa Massani near Rome . He stayed there for a good five years, until the summer of 1848; Then he took over the position of the institute gardener at the newly founded Agricultural Academy in the Silesian Proskau, not far from Opole. During his six-year tenure there, Stoll laid out a botanical garden, founded the institute's tree nursery and took care of the planting of fruit tree plantations. In 1854 he received a significantly better paid position as a garden inspector in Miechowitz . He worked there for eleven and a half years; He laid out large parks, greenhouses (including one for pineapples), vegetable and fruit gardens and an important tree nursery in Miechowitz. Then, for health reasons, Stoll moved to Breslau for two years, from where he ran the establishment of the newly founded pomological institute , of which he became the first director on April 1, 1868. Lessons began there in October 1868 with only eight students, and in the spring of 1869 there were already 25. Gustav Stoll headed the pomological institute in Proskau for 24 years, from 1868 to 1892. After he left his post in 1892 at the age of 78, he took over his son, the pomologist Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stoll, head of the Proskau pomological institute.
