György Vastagh (sculptor)

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György Vastagh [ ˈɟørɟ ˈvɒʃtɒɡ ] (born September 18, 1868 in Kolozsvár ; † June 3, 1946 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian sculptor.

His first teacher was György Zala , from 1889 to 1891 he studied with Gabriel Hackl and Syrius Eberle at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich . His artistic training was followed by extensive anatomical studies with Béla Nádaskay at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest. Many of his works can be seen in public places in Hungary and in the Hungarian Agricultural Museum, including the statue of Csikós and the equestrian statue of András Hadik in the Castle District of Budapest , the statue of Gábor Bethlen on Heroes' Square in Budapest and the equestrian statue of Francis II Rákóczi in Szeged .

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