Hector Pedro Bloomberg

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Héctor Pedro Bloomberg (born March 18, 1890 in Buenos Aires , † April 3, 1955 ibid) was an Argentine journalist and writer.


Héctor Pedro Bloomberg was the son of the Paraguayan writer Ercilia López de Bloomberg and through his mother he was also related to the President of Paraguay , Francisco Solano López .

Bloomberg was born in Buenos Aires but spent his childhood and youth in Paraguay. He came back to his hometown to study law. He broke off this course after a short time and earned his living as a journalist from then on. He traveled to almost every country in Latin America and also made some trips to Europe.

He belonged to the staff of several newspapers and magazines, such as " La Nación ", " La Razón ", " Caras y caretas " or " El Hogar ". He also worked with Mateo Booz , Mario Bravo and others. a. together.


Bloomberg repeatedly addressed human failure in his literary work. B. the lonely strangers in the harbor bars or the tragedies between homesickness and alcoholism. This tenor also contained his sad tango songs, which he wrote for musicians like Ignacio Corsini or Enrique Maciel . Contemporary literary criticism assumed that his novel “La dama del Paraguay” had autobiographical features.


  • 1921: Argentine Literature Prize
  • 1928: Argentine Literature Prize

Works (selection)


  • Las lágrimas de Eva . 1928.
  • La otra pasión . 1925.
  • Los pájaros que lloran . 1926.
  • Los peregrinos de la espuma . 1924.


  • Bajo la cruz del sur . 1923.
  • La canción lejama . 1912.
  • A la deriva . 1920.
  • Gaviotas perdidas . 1921.


  • Barcos amarrandos .
  • El niño Juancito Rosas .
  • Pancha Garmendia .
  • La sangre de las guitaras .


  • Dieter Reichardt: Latin American authors. Literary dictionary and bibliography of German translations . Erdmann Verlag, Tübingen 1972, ISBN 3-7711-0152-2 , pp. 38-39.