H. Rodney Withers

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Hubert Rodney Withers , called Rod Withers, also Rodney H. Withers, (born September 21, 1932 in Stanthorpe , Queensland , † February 25, 2015 in Houston , Texas ) was an Australian radiologist and oncologist .

Rodney Withers studied medicine at the University of Queensland with an MD degree and at the University of London , where he received his Ph.D. and D. Sc. Under Louis Harold Gray . He was briefly at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney , from 1966 at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda (collaboration with Mortimer M. Elkind ) and from 1968 at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston (under Herman D. Suit and Gilbert Fletcher ) before 1980 Professor of radiotherapy (radiation Oncology) at the University of California, Los Angeles , was. From 1994 to 2005 he was professor there as successor to Robert Parker.

Among other things, he dealt with the healing processes of tissue after radiation and the reaction of healthy tissue to radiation. In the early 1960s, he developed a stem cell cloning technique to study the effects of radiation on the skin in mice. In the 1980s he introduced hyperfractionated radiation (dividing the daily dose into smaller units). He is known for the introduction of the 4 R's of radiosensitivity to the irradiation of cells: repair, repopulation, redistribution, reoxygenation.

Withers was President of the Radiation Research Society in 1982/83 . In 1996 he and Mortimer M. Elkind received the Enrico Fermi Prize of the DOE, the Gray Medal in 1995 and the Kettering Prize in 1998 . He was an officer in the Order of Australia .

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