Habib Tengour

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Habib Tengour (born March 29, 1947 in Mostaganem ) is an Algerian writer , poet and sociologist .


Habib Tengour and his family moved to France in 1959 after his father fled police persecution as an activist in the Algerian independence movement and a member of the PPA People's Party . He studied sociology in Paris , then during his military service from 1972 to 1974 in Algeria became the first director of the newly founded Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Constantine , went back to Paris in 1990 and taught sociology at the Université d'Evry until 2015 . He still commutes between Algeria and Paris to this day. In 2017 he was a guest of the Berlin DAAD artist program; 2005 and 2007 the Villa Waldberta . In his work, for which he received the Prix ​​de l'Afrique méditerrannéenne / Maghreb of the French writers' association ADELF in 1997 and the Dante Prize of the EU in 2016 , he traces the Maghrebian way of life in the crosshairs of western-eastern influences, under the sign of emigration and exile.

The novels Die Bogenprobe (1993), Der Fisch des Moses (2004), Der Alte vom Berge (2019); the volumes of poetry Seelenperlmutt (2009), Übers Meer (2017), Beau Fraisier (2019), all translated from French by Regina Keil-Sagawe . In Algiers, Tengour publishes the Poèmes du Monde series (Editions Apic); he himself translates from Arabic ( Saadi Youssef , Chawki Abdelamir ), English and German ( Hans Thill ).


Barbara Wahlster comes to the verdict on Deutschlandradio Kultur : "Habib Tengour is deeply committed to securing evidence and translating it into the poetic. For him, its components can be material, imaginary, prosaic, highly learned, historically supported; they contain echoes of oral speech, exuberance Past rhetoric, parody of official language regulations, irony, mourning and lamentation. Traditional rhythms and imagery are called up as well as everyday observations or amazing, unusual, even visionary links. Habib Tengour has all these registers. "

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung writes: "He's the blue bird of his guild: the Algerian poet and writer Habib Tengour. At the height of his time? He's never. It's always a bit ahead. [...] Jacqueline Arnaud, owner of the first French professorship for Maghreb literature, Tengour already saw 20 years ago as a forerunner, as “premier Algérien à écrire dans la situation d'émigré de la deuxième génération.” And this is how Tengour's literary work presents itself - six poetic prose and six poetry volumes plus one A wealth of short texts, poems, stories, published in France and Algeria, Italy and America, England, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland - as an idiosyncratic chronicle of post-colonial Algeria: as a finely honed mirror in which, broken a thousand times, the Algerian reality appears as Magnifying glass that reflects fragments of one's own biography. [...] Tengour's technique of literary recycling also picks up on traditional material the formal level. His texts are located at the intersection of archaic and avant-garde. Essential formal characteristics - fragment character, expressive-visionary imagery, renunciation of chronology and linearity - refer at the same time to stylistic forms of ancient Arabic poetry and oral Maghrebian narrative tradition as well as to the speech styles of the most modern western poetry. "


Poetic prose

  • Tapapakitaques, la poésie-île. PJ Paris: Oswald, 1976.
  • Sultan Galièv ou La rupture des stocks , Cahiers, 1972–1977, CRIDSSH, Oran , 1983. Paris: Sindbad, 1985.
  • Le Vieux de la Montagne , relation, 1977–1981. Paris: Sindbad (German: Der Alte vom Berge , translation by Regina Keil-Sagawe , Bremen: Sujet Verlag, 2019).
  • L'Épreuve de l'Arc , Séances 1982-1989. Paris: Sindbad, 1990. (German: Die Bogenprobe , translation by Regina Keil-Sagawe , Freiburg: Beck & Glückler 1993).
  • Gens de Mosta , Moments 1990-1994. Arles : Actes Sud, 1997 [Prix ADELF 1997]
  • Le Poisson de Moïse , Fiction 1994-2001. Paris: Paris-Méditerranée / Algiers: EDIF, 200/2001. (German: The Fish of Moses , translation by Regina Keil-Sagawe ; Innsbruck: Haymon 2004).
  • Le Maître de l'Heure. Novel. Paris: La Différence, 2008.
  • Le Tatar du Kremlin . BD fin de siècle. With a foreword by Jean Portante. Esch-sur-Alzette: Editions Phi, 2018.


  • La Nacre à l'âme , couverture et trois dessins de Khadda , Éditions de l'Orycte , Sigean , 1981.
  • L'Arc et la cicatrice , Entreprise Nationale du Livre, Alger, 1983; Editions de la différence, 2006.
  • Schistes de Tahmad II , couverture et quatre dessins d ' Abdallah Benanteur , Éditions de l'Orycte, Paris, 1983.
  • Ce Tatar-là 2 , Launay-Rollet: Editions Dana, 1999.
  • Traverser , design: Abdallah Benanteur; La Rochelle: Rumeur des âges, 2002. (Production by Alain Rais, Théâtre du Lucernaire, 2006).
  • Épreuve 2 , Paris: Editions Dana, 2002.
  • États de chose, suivi de Fatras et La sandale d ' Empédocle (témoignages 1991–1994), La Rochelle: Rumeur des âges, 2003.
  • Gravité de l'Ange , Paris: Éditions La Différence, 2004.
  • Retraite , Manosque: Le Bec en l'Air, bilingue: arabe-français, 2004.
  • Césure, Rennes: Edition Wigwam, 2006.
  • Il sandalo di Empedocle / La Sandale d'Empédocle , Genova: Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, 2006. (Italian translation by Egi Volterrani, bilingual edition).
  • Traversata decisiva , Caltagirone: Edizioni Altavoz, 2006. (Italian translation by Manuela Cardiel, bilingual edition).
  • Beau Fraisier , Paris: L'amandier; with Illustr. by Pascale Bougeault, 2008. (German Beau Fraisier. A Childhood in Algiers , translation by Regina Keil-Sagawe , Berlin: bübül 2019).
  • Soul mother-of-pearl . French-German poetry. Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2009. (Translation and epilogue by Regina Keil-Sagawe ).
  • L'Ancêtre cinéphile , Paris: La Différence, 2010.
  • Césure / turning point. Program for the poesiefestival berlin, Perleberg / Berlin: Verlag hochroth, 2010. (Translation by Regina Keil-Sagawe with the assistance of Stephan Egghart).
  • Over the sea. Poem Mediterranean. Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2017. (Ed., Translated and with an afterword by Regina Keil-Sagawe , bilingual edition by Traverser)
  • Odysséennes / Odissaiche. Pasturana: puntoacapo, 2019. (Ed., Translated and with foreword by Fabio Scotto, bilingual edition)
  • Ta voix vit / Nous vivons . Poemes. Homage to Mahmoud Darwich. Dessins de Hamid Tibouchi, Alger: Apic Editions, 2019.


  • Traverser , avec un dessin d'Abdallah Benanteur, La Rochelle: Rumeur des âges, 2002. (Production by Alain Rais, Théâtre du Lucernaire, Paris).
  • Captive sans éclat. Suivi de L'impromptu de Tigditt . Alger: APIC Editions, Collection Massrah, 2013.
  • Salah Bey . Tragédie bouffe en 3 actes, Alger: APIC Editions, Collection Massrah, 2014.


  • L'Algérie et ses populations , en collaboration avec Jean-Pierre Durand , Bruxelles: éditions Complexe, 1982.
  • Spatialités maghrébine traditionalnelles: étude d'un cas, les Beni-Zéroual , Paris: thèse de troisième cycle, 1985.
  • Retraite (témoignages), photographies d'Olivier de Sépibus, texte de Habib Tengour, traduction vers l'arabe par Saïd Djabelkheir et Esma Hind Tengour, Manosque : Éditions Le Bec en l'Air, 2004.
  • Dans le soulèvement, Algérie et retours , Éditions de la Différence , 2012.


  • Anthologie de la littérature algérienne (1950–1987) , introduction, choix, notices et commentaires de Charles Bonn, Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1990.
  • Cinq poètes algériens pour aujourd'hui, Jean Sénac , Tahar Djaout, Abdelmadjid Kaouah , Habib Tengour, Hamid Tibouchi , Poésie / première, n ° 26, Soisy-sur Seine: Editions Editinter, juillet-octobre 2003.
  • Des Chèvres noires in un champ de neige? 30 poètes et 4 peintres algériens , Bacchanales n ° 32, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, Maison de la poésie Rhône-Alpes - Paris, Marsa éditions, 2003; Des chèvres noires dans un champ de neige? (Anthologie de la poésie algérienne contemporaine) , édition enrichie, Bacchanales , n ° 52, Saint-Martin-d'Hères: Maison de la poésie Rhône-Alpes, 2014.
  • Ali El Hadj Tahar, Encyclopédie de la poésie algérienne de langue française, 1930-2008 (en deux tomes), Alger: Éditions Dalimen, 2009.
  • Quand l'amandier refleurira, anthologie de poètes Algériens de langue française établie par Samira Negrouche , Paris: éditions de l'Amandier, 2012.

Literature on Habib Tengour

  • Jean Déjeux : Bibliographie méthodique et critique de la littérature algérienne de langue française 1945–1977 , SNED, Alger, 1979.
  • Les Mots migrateurs, Une anthologie poétique algérienne, présentée par Tahar Djaout , Office des Publications Universitaires (OPU) , Alger, 1984.
  • Jean Déjeux: Dictionnaire des auteurs maghrébins de langue française , Paris: Editions Karthala, 1984.
  • Mourad Yelles: Habib Tengour ou l'ancre et la vague: traverses et détours du texte maghrébin , Paris: Karthala, 2003; Habib Tengour. L'arc et la lyre. Dialogues (1988–2004) , Alger: Casbah éditions, 2006.
  • Hervé Sanson: La Trace et l'écho. Une écriture en chemin , entretiens avec Habib Tengour, Blida: Le Tell, 2012.
  • Sonia Zlitni-Fitouri: Les Ecritures nomades de Habib Tengour , ( special issue of the Expressions Maghrébines magazine , Vol. 11/1, Barcelona: Center Dona i Literatura), 2012.
  • Pierre Joris: Exile is my Trade - A Habib Tengour Reader . Selected Poetry and Prose. Edited and translated by Pierre Joris. Commonwealth Books, Black Widow Press, 2012.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Habib Tengour [Algeria]. Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin, 2017, accessed on February 23, 2020 .
  2. ^ Habib Tengour: Beau Fraisier - A Childhood in Algiers / Une enfance à Algiers . 1st edition. Bübül Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-946807-31-5 .
  3. Barbara Wahlster: "Moments of Enlightenment" - the Maghreb writer Habib Tengour. In: www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de. Deutschlandradio Kultur, November 30, 2010, accessed on February 23, 2020 .
  4. ^ Neue Zürcher Zeitung: The world in the prism of poetry. In: www.nzz.ch. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 7, 2002, accessed on February 23, 2020 .