Regina Wedge Sagawe

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Regina Keil-Sagawe (* 1957 in Bochum ) is a German literary translator , cultural journalist , lecturer and presenter with a focus on the Maghreb .


After studying German, Romance languages ​​and pedagogy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn , she first worked for a year as a language assistant in Paris and at the same time completed a short course at the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) , which enabled her to teach French . She then worked for a number of years, initially as a research assistant and then as a lecturer at the Institute for Translation and Interpreting (IÜD) at the University of Heidelberg , where she was involved in the development and expansion of Maghreb literature and mainly taught the literary translation of Maghreb literature from French. Since 1993 she has been working as a freelance journalist for radio, TV and press (including WDR, SWF, NDR, ARTE, NZZ, Die Welt) and as a literary translator, primarily of Maghreb literature from French into German. Between 1997 and 1998 took on a DAAD -Dozentur at the German Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies of the University of Mohammed V in Rabat (Morocco) . Since then she has lived and worked in Heidelberg .

In addition, Regina Keil-Sagawe has committed herself to deepening German-Maghreb cooperation, including: a. as chair of the Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures maghrébines / CICLIM ( Paris / Casablanca ), within the framework of which she edited the “Etudes littéraires Maghrébines” and organized international congresses. As well as in the Heidelberg Agenda 21 Initiative (HAI eV), where she initiated a university partnership between the PH Heidelberg and CFI Essaouira , which has officially existed since 2001.

Regina Keil-Sagawe has published journalistic and scientific articles as well as giving lectures and readings. Her specialty is above all the intercultural translation and reception problems of Francophone Maghreb literature.

She has received grants and prizes for her work, including the translation grant from the Center National du Livre (1995), the “Guckmal Literature Prize” (1998), an award from the magazine “Eselsohr” (1998), and inclusion in the “Honor List to the Austrian Children's and Youth Book Prize 1999 ”, the Swiss Prize“ Die Blaue Brillenschlange ”(1999), the LiBeraturpreis (2001), the 2nd prize: International at the German Crime Prize (2002) and the LiBeraturpreis (2004).

The authors she has translated into German include: a. Habib Tengour , Boualem Sansal , Mohammed Dib , Yasmina Khadra , Cécile Oumhani and Mahi Binebine .

Translations (selection)

Habib Tengour

  • The fall of the Orient. In: Wuqûf 6/1991, pp. 401-405, Hamburg, 1992.
  • The bow rehearsal. Macamen . Freiburg: Beck & Glückler, 1993.
  • Soul mother-of-pearl. In: Akzente 4/1994, pp. 473-477, 1994.
  • Revolt without Hope: The Raï Music of Algeria. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung 125, p. 46, June 1, 1995.
  • In the land of the dead. In: Samples in bloom . Anthology of international contemporary poetry, pp. 128–132, ed. by Florian Vetsch, Frauenfeld: Verlag im Waldgut, 2000.
  • The distant island. In: LiteraturNachrichten 79, pp. 22-23, 2003.
  • The warehouse. In: die horen 209, pp. 46–49, volume 48, 1st quarter 2003. (preprint from: HT, Der Fisch des Moses , Haymon: Innsbruck 2004)
  • The fish of Moses . Innsbruck: Haymon, 2004.
  • Soul mother-of-pearl . Poetry French - German . Berlin: Schiler, 2009.
  • [Traverser] Across the sea. Poem Mediterranean. Berlin: Schiler, 2017.
  • Beau Fraisier. A childhood in Algiers / Une enfance à Alger . Bilingual poetry with watercolored drawings (French - German). Berlin: Bübül, 2019.

Sansal Boualem

  • The barbarian oath . Gifkendorf: Merlin, 2003.
  • Tell me about paradise . Gifkendorf: Merlin, 2004.
  • The barbarian oath . Gifkendorf: Merlin, 2010.
  • Where the world ends, Algeria begins. An approach to Boualem Sansal. In: Literature News Africa - Asia - Latin America. Volume 28, No. 111, pp. 8-9.
  • Maghreb - a little world history . Berlin: Univ. Press, 2012.
  • Allah's fool . Gifkendorf: Merlin, 2013.

Mohammed Dib

  • Beethoven: Ghost Trio. In: magazine for cultural exchange . 46th year, pp. 61–64, Stuttgart: ifa, 3/1996.
  • The Moorish Infanta . Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1997. (2016 unchanged reprint of an older edition)
  • Shadow fairy. In: Samples in bloom. Anthology of international contemporary poetry, pp. 69–71, ed. by Florian Vetsch, Frauenfeld: Verlag im Waldgut, 2000.

Yasmina Khadra

  • Morituri . Innsbruck: Haymon, 1999. (translated with B. Ziermann)
  • Double white . Innsbruck: Haymon, 2000. - awarded the German Crime Prize 2002.
  • Autumn of the Chimeras . Innsbruck: Haymon, 2001.
  • What the wolves dream of . Berlin: construction, 2002.
  • The swallows of Kabul . Berlin: construction, 2003.
  • The lambs of the Lord . Berlin: Aufbau, 2004. (2011 as Fischer paperback)
  • The assassin . Munich: Nagel and Kimche, 2006. (as well as audio book in Hörverlag; 2008 as Fischer paperback)
  • The Algiers novels . Morituri - double white - autumn of the chimeras . Zurich: Unions Verlag, 2006. (2007 as audio book in RM book and media distribution)
  • The sirens of Baghdad . Munich: Nagel and Kimche, 2008. (as well as audio book in Hörverlag; 2010 as Fischer paperback)
  • The guilt of the day for the night . Berlin: Ullstein, 2010. (and as an audio book in the Hamburg publishing house; 2011 as a List paperback)
  • The map of darkness . Berlin: Ullstein, 2013. (2014 as List paperback)
  • The clerk from Koléa . Hamburg: Osburg, 2014.
  • What the monkeys are waiting for . Hamburg: Osburg, 2015.
  • The last night of Muammar al-Gaddafi. Hamburg: Osburg, 2015.

Cécile Oumhani

  • Tunisian Yankee . Hamburg: Osburg, 2018.

Mahi Binebine

  • The court jester: novel from Morocco . Basel: Lenos, 2018.

Jacques Paula

  • The women with their love . Dortmund: Ed. Ebersbach, 2000. (2002 as Fischer Taschenbuch) - awarded the LiBeraturpreis 2000.

Leïla Marouane

  • Kidnappers . Innsbruck: Haymon, 2003 - awarded the LiBeraturpreis 2004.
  • The punishment of the hypocrites . Innsbruck: Haymon, 2005.

Other publications (selection)


  • Hanîn. Prose from the Maghreb . An anthology, ed. by Regina Keil, Heidelberg: Wunderhorn 1989.
  • The torn veil. The image of women in contemporary Algerian literature . Files from the conference in the Evangelical Academy Iserlohn from 15. – 17. September 1995, Iserlohn 1996.
  • Poppies on black felt . Authors from four continents. An anthology of the LiBeraturpreis initiative, ed. by Regina Keil and Thomas Brückner. Zurich: Unionsverlag 1998.

In addition, numerous articles on Maghrebian literature, culture and society and on intercultural translation and reception problems, various reviews, newspaper articles, lexicon and manual entries and radio reports of a literary, translational and linguistic nature

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Union publishing house : Regina Keil-Sagawe. In: Unionsverlag, 2020, accessed on February 23, 2020 .
  2. ^ Regina Keil-Sagawe: Vita. In: Retrieved February 23, 2020 .