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Aplanospores of Haematococcus pluvialis

Aplanospores of Haematococcus pluvialis

without rank: Chloroplastida
without rank: Chlorophyta
without rank: Chlorophyceae
Order : Volvocales
Family : Haematococcaceae
Genre : Haematococcus
Scientific name
Flot. emend. will

Haematococcus is an algae - genus from the class of Chlorophyceae .


Flagellate stage

Haematococcus lives as a single cell with two very different manifestations.

Under favorable conditions, the alga lives as a green flagellate with a thick, swollen cell wall and two flagella of equal length . The cell body is elliptical to pear-shaped with cytoplasmic threads that run radially in the hyaline (glassy) cell wall. A gelatinous layer separates the cell body from the cell wall. The chloroplast is cup-shaped with several pyrenoids , a triangular pale eye-spot and several contractile vacuoles in the cell periphery. The cells reach a length of 26 to 70 µm.

Under unfavorable conditions, the cells are transformed into thick-walled, unglued and red-colored permanent stages, the so-called aplanospores . The red color comes from a carotenoid, astaxanthin , which protects the dry cells from damage to the DNA caused by UV radiation. Astaxanthin is mainly found in green algae .


During asexual reproduction , after the protoplast has divided, four or eight zoospores form , which leave the mother cell wall. The red aplanospores can either release green zoospores or form aplanospores again.

The sexual reproduction is done by isogamy . By multiple division of the protoplasts 16 or 32 small, spindle-shaped and flagellated gametes are formed. After the gamete fusion, a thick-walled zygote is formed .

Types (selection)


Haematococcus lives mainly in small bodies of water that dry out quickly and are only filled sporadically by rain.


  • Karl-Heinz Linne von Berg, Michael Melkonian u. a .: The Kosmos algae guide. The most important freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-440-09719-6 .
  • Heinz Streble , Dieter Krauter : Life in a drop of water. Microflora and microfauna of freshwater. An identification book. 10th edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-440-10807-4 .

Web links

Commons : Haematococcus  - collection of images, videos and audio files