Hall of Fame of German Football

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The Hall of Fame of German football is the hall of fame of German football founded in 2018 . It was initiated by the German Football Museum, inspired by Manuel Neukirchner , the director of the German Football Museum.

Choice of the founding eleven

In November 2018, a jury of sports journalists selected the first 11 players and the first coach for the Hall of Fame as the founding eleven of the Hall of Fame . The 26 jury members each submitted a personal list of suggestions from which a shortlist of 26 players and three coaches from German football was created. The main selection criteria were outstanding performance in German national teams as well as in national and international club football. The prerequisite was that her career had ended at least five years ago. In 2019, the jury also selected a founding eleven women for the Hall of Fame.

Jury members

The initial jury were:

Alexander Laux (Hamburger Abendblatt), Alfred Draxler (picture), Anno Hecker (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), Christian Hollmann (dpa), Christian Löer (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger), Dirc Seemann (Sport1), Dirk Preiß (Stuttgarter Zeitung / Stuttgarter Nachrichten ), Erich Laaser (Association of German Sports Journalists), Frederik Ahrens (Hamburger Morgenpost), Gernot Bauer (Eurosport), Gianni Costa (Rheinische Post), Jörg Jakob (kicker), Katrin Schulze (Der Tagesspiegel), Manfred Loppe (RTL), Manuel Neukirchner (German Football Museum), Marco Fenske (RND), Mark Weishaupt (Saarbrücker Zeitung), Philipp Köster (11 friends), Pit Gottschalk (Funke Sport), Ralph Durry (sid), Roman Steuer (Sky), Sabine Töpperwien (WDR radio ), Sascha Klaverkamp (Ruhr Nachrichten), Stefan Frommann (WELT / WELT am SONNTAG), Steffen Simon (WDR television), Thomas Fuhrmann (ZDF)

List of recorded players

Year of admission player comment
2018 Sepp Maier Tor, founding member
2018 Franz Beckenbauer Defense, founding member
2018 Andreas Brehme Defense, founding member
2018 Paul Breitner Defense, founding member
2018 Fritz Walter Midfield, founding member
2018 Lothar Matthäus Midfield, founding member
2018 Matthias Sammer Midfield, founding member
2018 Günter Netzer Midfield, founding member
2018 Gerd Müller Sturm, founding member
2018 Helmut Rahn Sturm, founding member
2018 Uwe Seeler Sturm, founding member
2019 Oliver Kahn goal
2019 Hans-Jürgen Dörner Defense
2019 Wolfgang Overath midfield
2019 Jürgen Klinsmann Storm

List of accepted players

Year of admission player comment
2019 Silke Rottenberg Tor, founding member
2019 Doris Fitschen Defense, founding member
2019 Steffi Jones Defense, founding member
2019 Nia Künzer Defense, founding member
2019 Renate Lingor Midfield, founding member
2019 Silvia Neid Midfield, founding member
2019 Martina Voss-Tecklenburg Midfield, founding member
2019 Bettina Wiegmann Midfield, founding member
2019 Inca grings Sturm, founding member
2019 Heidi Mohr Sturm, founding member
2019 Birgit Prinz Sturm, founding member

List of enrolled trainers

Year of admission Trainer comment
2018 Sepp Herberger Reich trainer from 1936 to 1942, national trainer from 1950 to 1964, founding member
2019 Helmut Schön National coach from 1964 to 1978

List of accepted trainers

Year of admission trainer comment
2019 Tina Theune National coach from 1996 to 2005, founding member

Individual evidence

  1. a b Football Museum creates HALL OF FAME fussballmuseum.de
  2. a b c d e Gianni Costa: RP-Online - The new ones in Ballhalla , accessed on October 11, 2019