Ham Fair

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The venue for the Ham Fair is the huge Tokyo Big Sight conference center .

Ham Fair ( German  "Amateur Radio Fair" ) is the English name of a year in the Japanese capital Tokyo held Mass for amateur radio . It is organized by the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL), the national association of radio amateurs in Japan.


The Ham Fair has been held annually, currently on the last weekend in August, since 1975. In 2019 it was held for the 43rd time. The current conference location is Tokyo Big Sight  (picture) , an exhibition center opened in April 1996 in Kōtō , a district of the Japanese capital. With around 39,000 visitors (in 2018), it is one of the largest in the world. Admission is free for young people under the age of 21 and female visitors. The motto of the fair is: “Friends all over the world! Amateur radio! ".


Every year the Ham Fair gives visitors the opportunity to find out about the latest radio technology and to purchase radio equipment and accessories such as antennas . In addition, it offers the worldwide community of radio amateurs a meeting place to exchange experiences and opinions. The worldwide networked amateur radio associations, which are organized together in the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), are also offered a platform here.

flea market

One attraction is the accompanying flea market , which offers visitors the opportunity to purchase objects for their hobby. Used equipment, components, books and other items related to amateur radio are offered for sale here.


In addition, there is an extensive supporting program with specialist lectures on the topic.

See also

Web links

  • Official website with an annual chronology of the Ham Fairs from 2000 (English)

Individual evidence

  1. JARL Ham Fair 2019 (English), accessed on June 24, 2019.