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Hamaxanteia ( Greek  Ἁμαξάντεια ) was an ancient Attic demos of the 8th phyle Hippoth (o) ontis, possibly in the Attic Paralia and thus in the coastal strip of Attica . As a demos, it represented one of the administrative units established by the Kleisthenic reforms . It is unclear which of the thirty higher-ranking Trittyes - administrative units, three of which each formed a phyle - it was assigned to. If the demos was on the coast, it was assigned to the Trittys Eleusis . The demos hired a representative in the Boule , the Council of 500 in Athens.

The demos was involved in the administration of the sanctuaries on Delos at least in the Hellenistic period and was established in 158/157 BC. With a certain "Philocrates, son of Philocrates, from the Demos Hamaxanteia", a priest of Serapis on Delos. Hamaxanteia is also known for a relief stele from Kerameikos , which depicts a loutrophoros flanked by two lekyths and two aryballoi . Loutrophoros mentions the scene reproduced on it with a "Panaitios from the Demos Hamaxanteia".



  1. Pierre Roussel, Marcel Launey: Inscriptions de Delos (ID). Volume 3, 2: Dédicaces postérieures à 166 av. J.-C. (nos 1525-2219) . H. Champion, Paris 1937, no.2605 . The inscriptions ID 2137 , 2138 , 2139 , probably from the year 162/61 BC , also come from this year . Chr. ID 1981 . Philocrates is also mentioned in the inscriptions ID 1416 , line B.II.1, 27 (156/55 BC) and ID 1460 , Z. line B 21 (between 156 and 143 BC).
  2. ^ Inscriptiones Graecae (IG) II² 5601 . Ursula Knigge: The Kerameikos of Athens. Guided tour of excavations and history . Krene-Verlag, Athens 1988, p. 154 with ill. 151b; Christoph W. Clairmont: Classical Attic Tombstones . Catalog Volume 2, 1993, pp. 652-653 No. 2710.