Hamid Aboutalebi

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Hamid Aboutalebi

Hamid Aboutalebi or Abutalebi ( listen ? / I ) is an Iranian diplomat . He was ambassador for Iran in Australia , Belgium , Italy and the European Union . He is currently the designated Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York . This fact has caused outrage among Republican politicians, as he was allegedly involved in the hostage-taking of Tehran . They demanded that you be refused entry, but the United States Department of State rejected such a request, as you basically allow UN diplomats to do their thing. Aboutalebi said he played a minimal role in the hostage situation. According to the Daily Telegraph on April 9, 2014, Hamid Aboutalebi was believed to have been involved in the murder of the former Iranian ambassador to the Holy See, carried out on March 16, 1993 in Rome on behalf of the Iranian government. Audio file / audio sample

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Silke Hasselmann: Ahmadinejad was allowed, Abutalebi was not. Actually, the ISA have to grant entry to every UN diplomat. With Hamid Abutalebis, the Americans are now breaking with this tradition. Reason: Iran's new UN ambassador was involved in the 1979 hostage drama. In: tagesschau.de. April 12, 2014, archived from the original on April 13, 2014 ; Retrieved April 17, 2015 .
  2. Iran wants to make embassy occupiers a UN envoy. The new Iranian UN envoy caused outrage in the USA: Hamid Aboutalebi was involved in the occupation of the US embassy in Tehran in 1979. In: Zeit Online . Zeit Online GmbH, April 3, 2014, accessed on April 3, 2014 .
  3. Damien McElroy, Tom Kington and Ahmed Vahdat: Iranian diplomat rejected by US implicated in Italian murder. Hamid Abutalebi was blocked as Iran's ambassador to the United Nations over role in 1979 hostage crisis but the Telegraph can reveal he has also been implicated in death of Iranian dissident. In: Daly Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group Limited, April 9, 2014, accessed April 16, 2014 .