Hannes Kiebel

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Hannes Kiebel , actually Johannes Kiebel (born July 14, 1936 in Viersen , † March 28, 2008 in Bochum ) was a social worker, university professor and editor who mainly dealt with homelessness and street social work .

Klaus Trappmann (left) Hannes-Kiebel (right) at the congress of customers, Berbers, homeless and have-nots June 1991 in Uelzen, Germany, photo Karin Powser


Hannes Kiebel completed his training as a color maker in the textile industry. He then did a pre-study internship in a youth hostel.

After studying welfare in the late 1950s in Freiburg i. B. he worked at the district office / district youth welfare office in Ottweiler / Saar and Lohr am Main. In the social welfare office in Moers and was responsible for the "coordination of homeless issues" (cf. Bung 2008). “My apprenticeship and traveling years were in Krefeld, Ludwigshafen, Freiburg im Breisgau, Saarland and Spessart, and on the Lower Rhine” (Kiebel 1996).

From 1974 to 2001 Kiebel taught as a "specialist teacher for social work" at the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences Rhineland-Westphalia-Lippe in Bochum. He was responsible for the course on street social work (1995–2001).

He died of complications from cancer.


In addition, he was active in various clubs and associations (e.g. BAG Homeless Aid, ZV German Workers Colonies or, since 1984, ZV Sozialer Heim- und Werkstätten eV, FV Homeless Aid, the Catholic AG Homeless Aid and others).

He was a board member of the Westphalian Herberg Association.


Kiebel was editor of the series "Texts Inside and Outside". In this series 4 booklets with photo work by Karin Powser were published.

Publications (selection)

  • Hannes Kiebel (1979): "Combating juvenile delinquency by police youth commissioners in North Rhine-Westphalia". - In the social worker, food; Booklet 2; Pp. 28-29.
  • Hannes Kiebel (1980): Literature list “Youth / Police / Social Work”. Bochum
  • Hannes Kiebel (1981): "Alone they can make you and together we are unbearable!" Comments on the first Stuttgart Berber Congress on September 12 and 13, 1981. - In Künsterlerhaus Bethanien, pp. 427–438.
  • Hannes Kiebel (1982): Street social work / street work. "Can street work be taught at a college for social affairs?" Remarks. - In the social worker, food; Volume 4, pp. 91-97.
  • Wolfgang Ayaß / Hartwig Drude / Heinrich Holtmannspötter / Wolf Kätzner / Hannes Kiebel / Jürgen Scheffer (1987): "Citizens and beggars 1854 to 1954: From the hostel system for wandering craft journeymen to helping the non-sedentary". - BAG assistance to the homeless
  • Hannes Kiebel (1988): “In search of early traces of" street work "in Germany. First results of a forensic investigation ”. In: streetcorner no. 2/1988, pp. 36-41.
  • Hannes Kiebel (1989): “On the integration of street social work into training at universities of applied sciences”. - In Steffan, Werner (ed.) (1989): Street social work. Weinheim and Basel; Pp. 168-177.
  • Hannes Kiebel (1991): "Stories about Huzel bread, about the mercy and the work in the Mainhardt Forest". In Kiebel / Felis / Huber (1991), pp. 9-118.
  • Hannes Kiebel / Ekkehard Felis / Harald Huber (1991): “And guides them into society. Answers from the Erlacher Höhe”. Großerlach-Erlach
  • Hannes Kiebel (1994): "" Well, you old Berber ". Description of the search for traces of the term "Berber". A workshop report ". - In MOB - the street magazine. No. 6, September 28, 1994; Berlin, pp. 2-11.
  • Hannes Kiebel (1995): “Twenty years of street work. Outreach social work in the FRG ”. - In Becker, G./Simon, T. (Hrsg.) (1995): Handbuch Aufsuchende Jugend- und Sozialarbeit. Weinheim; Pp. 21-32.
  • Eckart Riehle / Hannes Kiebel (1995): "Homeless people and their helpers". BAG assistance to the homeless
  • Hannes Kiebel (1996a): Literature list "Street children / street youth". Bochum
  • Hannes Kiebel (1996b): "Twenty years of street work in the Federal Republic - collaged thought fragments and comments". In: streetcorner No. 1/1996, pp. 3-30.
  • Kiebel, Hannes (1996c): "Twenty years of street work / mobile youth work - collaged fragments of thought and comments" .- In Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe / Landesjugendamt (Ed.) (1996): Streetwork and mobile youth work. Münster, pp. 15-39.
  • Hannes Kiebel (1996d): “Nothing going on without moss! - Grouping in line with collective bargaining agreements - street work, outreach youth and social work ”. In: streetcorner No. 1/1996, pp. 53 - 61. and http://forge.fhpotsdam.de/~Sozwes/projekte/steffan/final/frames.htm April 19, 2008
  • Elke Hauschildt / Hannes Kiebel / Wilfried Knievel (2001): “Help for addicts in Germany. History - Structures - Perspectives ”. Lambertus
  • Hannes Kiebel (2006): "A look back and forward: reflective remarks and memorable fragments of thought as a collage". In Gillich, Stefan (ed.): “Professional action on the street: practical book on street work and mobile youth work”; Gelnhausen

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