Hanns-Georg Jungnickel

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Hanns-Georg Jungnickel , called Georg Jungnickel , (* 1942 ) is a German computer engineer and top manager.

Jungnickel studied computer science in Leningrad with a doctorate degree (Dr.-Ing.). From 1970 to 1990 he worked for VEB Kombinat Robotron .

From 1980 he was chief designer of the GDR in the uniform system of electronic computing technology (ESER) as the successor to Gerhard Merkel and Manfred Günther . In addition, from 1981 he was director of the equipment department ( ELREMA ) in Karl-Marx-Stadt / Chemnitz , a development company of the Robotron combine.

After German reunification , he worked for Siemens AG in Russia and Eastern Europe from 1991 (including license production, technology transfer, software outsourcing).

In 2007 he retired. Then he dealt with the computer history of the GDR and the USSR, especially Robotron, as well as his own website for a "Virtual Computer Museum for ESER".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ESER organization
  2. Virtual computer museum for the ESER