Hans-Georg Gottfried Dittmann

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Hans-Georg Gottfried Dittmann, 2020

Hans-Georg Gottfried Dittmann (born May 1, 1979 in Bielefeld ) is a German-Austrian journalist . He is the recipient of the Theodor Wolff Prize .


Dittmann grew up in Wiedenbrück and passed his Abitur at the Ratsgymnasium Rheda-Wiedenbrück . During this time he spent an exchange year in Bonanza, Oregon (USA) . After studying in Magdeburg , Freiburg (Breisgau) and Bielefeld, he volunteered at the Mindener Tageblatt . Then he was employed there as an editor .

In 2020 Dittmann was awarded the Theodor Wolff Prize (TWP) for his comment recall , which was published in January 2019 in the Mindener Tageblatt. "In one of the shortest texts ever nominated for the TWP, the author makes' original and to-the-point '' thoughts about his home village and the elderly who remain lonely when the young move into town." Inspired Dittmann got to the comment through the report on the citizens' meeting in Frille .

He lives in Minden .


Individual evidence

  1. Two new volunteers at Mindener Tageblatt | MT internal | The editorial blog. Retrieved June 22, 2020 .
  2. Mindener Tageblatt: High distinction: Former MT volunteer receives the Theodor Wolff Prize. Retrieved June 22, 2020 .
  3. BDZV: Press releases. Retrieved June 22, 2020 .
  4. Mindener Tageblatt: Commentary on the subject of "Save the Village": Recall on January 16, 2019. Retrieved June 23, 2020 .
  5. Mindener Tageblatt: Frille's Future: No Request Concert - on January 16, 2019. Retrieved on June 23, 2020 .
  6. BDZV: Press releases. Retrieved June 22, 2020 .