Hans-Joachim Müller (Romanist)

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Hans-Joachim Müller (2013)

Hans-Joachim Müller (born October 26, 1947 in Eppelborn ) is a German Romance studies and literary scholar .

life and work

Müller studied in Saarbrücken , Toulouse , Lisbon and Madrid . From 1971 he was assistant to Wolfram Krömer in Innsbruck. He received his doctorate there in 1971 with Disimular and fingir or Die cunning Verstellung at the Spanish Theater des Siglo de oro (included in: The Spanish Theater in the 17th Century or Between Divine Grace and Human Cunning. Berlin 1977, ISBN 3503012354 ) and completed his habilitation in 1976 The novel of realism-naturalism in France. An epistemological study. Wiesbaden 1977, ISBN 9783799706780 . From 1982 until his retirement in 2003, he was an associate professor in Innsbruck for modern Romance literature with a special focus on the Ibero and Gallo-Romance fields. He held courses at the Free University of Berlin, the Universities of Salzburg and Klagenfurt and the Università degli Studi di Cassino. His work focuses on the relationship between epistemology and literature as well as the processing of social-psychological and psychoanalytic aspects of machism and feminism in French, Italian and Latin American literature.

Hans-Joachim Müller is married and lives in Ottweiler .


Other works

Articles (selection)

  • On the Relationships of Magical Realism in Newer Latin American Literature with French Surrealism. In: Sprachkunst. X / 1979. Annual special volume: Comparative literature in Austria. Vienna 1979, ISBN 3700102046 , pp. 109–122.
  • Latin American literature. In: Jost Hermand (Ed.): New handbook of literary studies. Literature after 1945 I. Wiesbaden 1979, ISBN 3799700935 , pp. 443-486.
  • Guerra, violenza, azione - terreur, violence, cruauté. On some key terms of futuristic and surrealist theater theory. In: Walter Mair (Ed.): Language theory and language practice. Commemorative publication for Henri Vernay. Tübingen 1979, ISBN 9783878081128 , pp. 261-277.
  • The processing of the history of Argentina in Sobre héroes y tumbas by Ernesto Sábato. In: Titus Heydenreich (Ed.): Latin America Studies. 12. Munich 1983, ISBN 3770520882 , pp. 307-318.
  • Machismo as the basis of reception for Juan Rulfos Pedro Páramo . In: Titus Heydenreich (Ed.): Latin America Studies. 13. Munich 1983, ISBN 3770521544 , pp. 611-630.
  • Woman and nature metaphors in Hijo de hombre by A. Roa Bastos. In: Titus Heydenreich (Ed.): Latin America Studies. 14. Munich 1984, ISBN 3770522176 , pp. 301-315.
  • On the deconstruction of biblical motifs in the novel of recent French contemporary literature. In: Johann Holzner (Hrsg.): The Bible in the understanding of contemporary literature. St. Pölten 1988, ISBN 3853268684 , pp. 135-141.
  • A paixão segundo GH (1964) by Clarice Lispector or Spinoza in the broken mirror of Narcissus. In: Erna Pfeiffer (Ed.): Canticum ibericum. Georg Rudolf Lind in memory. Frankfurt am Main 1991, ISBN 9783893548354 , pp. 264-282.
  • Clorinda Matto de Turner Aves sin nido . In: Volker Roloff (ed.): The Hispanoamerican novel. Volume I. Darmstadt 1992, ISBN 9783534119219 , pp. 78-91.
  • On the reinterpretation of biblical and religious-philosophical texts in the younger women's literature in Romania. In: Peter Tschuggnall (Ed.): Religion, Literature, Arts. Aspects of a comparison. Salzburg 1998, ISBN 3851450310 , pp. 343-356.
  • Il teatro quale psicodramma: Antonin Artaud Le théâtre de la cruauté come reinterpretazione del Teatro della verità di FT Marinetti. In: Rosella Tommasoni (cura): Psicologia e letteratura alle soglie del terzo millenio. Milano 1998, ISBN 9788846406712 , pp. 48-59.
  • Isabel Allende o la superación del machismo. In: Rosella Tommasoni (cura): Nuove frontiere della psicologia: Letteratura, immaginazione, sogno. Milano 1999, ISBN 88-8317-001-6 , pp. 83-94.
  • Ossessioni, oscenità e creatività in Lettere a Marina e Dialogo di una prostituta con un suo cliente de Dacia Maraini. In: Rosella Tommasoni (cura): La psicologia delle arti oggi. Milano 2002, ISBN 9788846439994 , pp. 159-166.


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