Hans-Joachim Mentzel

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Professor Hans-Joachim Mentzel

Hans-Joachim Mentzel (born March 18, 1966 in Saalfeld / Saale ) is a German doctor and pediatric radiologist .


Hans-Joachim Mentzel grew up in Saalfeld, Thuringia. He studied medicine at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena . In 1995 he wrote a dissertation on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of cognitive performance. An fMRI study with Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and Continuous Performance Test for Dr. med. PhD . After many years as a radiologist at the University Hospital, he submitted a habilitation thesis in 2005 with the title Evaluation of alternative osteodensitometric methods for childhood ; the habilitation process was completed in 2006 and he was awarded the Venia legendi and the title of private lecturer . 2008 Mentzel was on the newly established Department of Pediatric Radiology at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology in Jena appointed . For this he turned down an offer at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg . Mentzel has been president of the international German-speaking Society for Pediatric Radiology (GPR eV) since 2016 and was for many years a board member and chairman of the children's radiology working group in the German X-ray Society , he is a liaison professor for the Cusanuswerk and a member of the ecumenical advisory board "Churches and Universities in Jena".

Hans-Joachim Mentzel is married and has two children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. pressrelations.de
  2. ^ Website of the Ecumenical University Advisory Board .