Hans-Rudolf Singer

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Hans-Rudolf Singer (born February 8, 1925 in Altenstadt an der Waldnaab , † February 8, 1999 in Germersheim) was a German Arabist and Semitist . His main research interests were the Muslim part of the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb .

Live and act

In the autumn of 1948, Hans-Rudolf Singer began his studies with Hans Wehr , the professor for Oriental Philology at the University of Erlangen . In 1952 and 1953 he stayed in Granada , then for some time in Tetuan , Moroccan , where he dealt with the northern Moroccan colloquial language. He spent the academic year 1954/55 in Cairo .

In December 1956 he was finished with a thesis on New Arabic question words. A PhD contribution to the historical and comparative grammar of the Arabic dialects . In 1958 he went to Tunisia for four months .

From 1959 to 1961 he worked as a research assistant at the University of Erlangen with Jörg Krämer. When Krämer died in 1962, he took up his chair. From July 1962 to March 1963, Singer lived in Tunis , where he made its Arabic language form, Tunisian, the subject of his habilitation thesis Grammar of the Arabic Dialect of the Medina of Tunis . In 1967, after completing his habilitation in Semitic Philology and Islamic Studies , he was appointed to the University of Mainz , where he worked at the Seminar for Arabic Language and Culture at the International and Interpreting Institute in Germersheim (later: Department of Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies).

Singer's publications, including more than 100 articles in the Lexicon of the Middle Ages, deal with the history of the Arabic language and its entire dialectology . His research on the dialects of Iberia and the Spanish-Arabic place names stand out, as well as on the roots in the pre-Islamic cultures, which he examined for Iran and large parts of the Mediterranean region. The effect on medieval Europe was also the subject of his work.

Fonts (selection)

  • New Arabic texts in the dialect of the city of Tetuan , in: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländische Gesellschaft 108 (nF 33) (1958) 106–125.
  • Persistence of old words in Arabic Bedouin dialects (II) , in: Journal of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft 127.2 (1977) 254-257.
  • Place-naming and dialectology in Muslim Spain (studies on the place-names of al-Andlaus II) , in: Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 5 (1980) 137–157.
  • On the Arabic dialect of Valencia , in: Oriens 27/28 (1981) 317–323.
  • Grammar of the Arabic dialect of the Medina of Tunis , de Gruyter, Berlin 1984 (should appear as a handbook of Tunisian ).
  • The Maghreb and the Pyrenees Peninsula up to the end of the Middle Ages , in: Heinz Halm (Hrsg.): Geschichte der Arabischen Welt , 4th, revised and expanded edition, CH Beck, Munich 2001, pp. 264–322.

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  1. ^ Hans-Rudolf Singer: New Arabic question words. A contribution to the historical and comparative grammar of the Arabic dialects , Munich 1958.
  2. Hans-Rudolf Singer: Grammar of the Arabic dialect of the Medina of Tunis , Berlin 1984
  3. ^ Regesta Imperii .