Hans Adrian

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Hans Adrian (born March 20, 1890 in Bern ; † August 23, 1979 ibid) was a Swiss geologist .

Adrian received his doctorate in 1914 under Armin Baltzer on the geology of the Kandertal and applied the new ceiling theory . After two years as assistant to Paul Arbenz , he was looking for oil in Mexico and Ecuador for the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company until 1925 . From 1933 Adrian worked for the Natural Research Society in Bern . He published scientific and literary works, was a teacher at the Oberried school home near Belp and at the boys' secondary school in Bern, and from 1956 to 1962 he was a curator at the Natural History Museum in Bern and an assistant until 1970. Adrian was artistically gifted and created geological maps, profiles and reliefs, panoramas, contributions in manual labor and school reform and in 1967 the work stones and mountains .

Part of the estate is in the Bern Burger Library .


  • Berner Zeitung , September 3, 1979.
  • Communications from the Natural Research Society in Bern , NF 37, 1980, pp. 190–198, with a catalog raisonné.
  • Yearbook of the Natural History Museum Bern 7, 1981, pp. 83–85.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz Balmer : Adrian, Hans. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ Hans Adrian in the catalog of the Burgerbibliothek Bern