Hans Alder

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Councilor Hans Alder, circa 1975

Hans Alder (born May 10, 1922 in Herisau ; † February 8, 1982 in Herisau; resident in Herisau) was a free-spirited Swiss politician and a member of the government of the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden .


Hans Alder, son of the office worker Samuel Alder, was married to Frieda R. Zimmerli in his first marriage and to Maya M. Frehner in his second marriage. He attended the Cantonal School of St. Gallen and completed his training as a secondary teacher at the secondary school for teachers in St. Gallen. He then worked as a teacher, including at the ICRC in Geneva and at the St. Gallen Traffic School. This was followed by a degree in Romance and German at the Sorbonne Paris with a doctorate. phil. From 1950 to 1969 Hans Alder was an editor at the Appenzeller Zeitung (from 1967 editor-in-chief). Between 1965 and 1973 he was a free-spirited cantonal councilor and from 1973 to 1982 a member of the government : initially as head of the education department (1973–1977, also the military department) and from 1981 until his death as head of the economics department. Alder was the promoter of the first Extra-Rhodian School Act (1981). He was culturally involved, including as President of the Herisau Casino Society (1965–1974) and as the author of various cultural and historical writings.


  • Walter Schläpfer: Press history of the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Herisau: Schläpfer 1978.
  • Walter Schläpfer: Government Councilor Dr. Hans Alder, Herisau 1922–1982. In: Appenzellische Jahrbücher, Volume 109/1981 (1982), pages 71-74. Web access via e-periodica.ch.

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