Hans Chlumberg

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Hans Chlumberg (born June 30, 1897 in Vienna , Austria-Hungary ; died October 25, 1930 in Leipzig ; actually Hans Bardach Edler von Chlumberg ) was an Austrian playwright .


Chlumberg comes from a family of officers. Formally, his dramas are somewhere between naturalism and bourgeois theater. For the pacifist-oriented piece wonders of Verdun served First World War as underlying material.

He died in 1930 at the age of 33 after falling into the orchestra pit during a theater rehearsal .

In 1959 the Chlumberggasse in Vienna- Ottakring (16th district) was named after him.


  • Chlumberg, Hans. In: Lexicon of German-Jewish Authors . Volume 5: Carmo – Donat. Edited by the Bibliographia Judaica archive. Saur, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-598-22685-3 , pp. 119-123.
  • Dagmar Heissler: "Lived in vain, wrote in vain, died in vain?" The "triple death" of the playwright Hans Chlumberg. In: Aneta Jachimowicz (Hrsg.): Against the canon - literature of the interwar period in Austria. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2017, pp. 281–298.

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