Hans Dobel

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Hans Dobel , also Tobel or Tobeller (mentioned in Basel from 1523; † 1557 ), was a sculptor and carpenter from Alsace .

Sevogel fountain with warrior figure, Martinskirchplatz at the Basel-Stadt State Archives by Hans Dobel (1523–1557) sculptor From the 19th century, the name "Sevogel fountain" can be proven.  The warrior was wrongly regarded as Henman Sevogel, captain of the Baselbieter team, who died in the battle of St. Jacob on August 25, 1444.  The name stuck to the fountain.  The Brunnstock, however, changed its location when the fountain on Kornmarkt was dismantled in 1888.
Sevogel fountain with a warrior figure by Hans Dobel, Martinskirchplatz at the Basel-Stadt State Archives

life and work

Hans Dobel, who moved from Strasbourg , bought himself into the spinning weather guild in Basel in 1523 , where he held the office of chamberlain in 1530/1531 and that of guild clerk in 1546. In 1526, together with Martin Hoffmann , he asked the council for permission to work as a carpenter in the absence of orders as a sculptor or to employ appropriate journeymen. In 1531 he took part in the battle of the Gubel . In 1546 he created the warrior figure of the Kornmarktbrunnen (today on the Sevogelbrunnen on Martinskirchplatz). In 1548 he also supplied the lion's head for another fountain. He also worked as a carpenter: in 1547/1548 he carried out carpentry work in the “Haus zum Hohen Dolder” and also supplied various furniture there. The house belonged to a suburban company of the same name, which Dobel joined in 1548. His wife, who apparently participated also in the workshop, taught the craft interested physician Felix Platter , the varnishes .

Printed sources and literature

Web links

Commons : Hans Dobel  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files