Hans Hallervorden

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Hans Hallervorden (born February 11, 1872 in Sensburg , East Prussia ; † June 27, 1965 in Berlin ) worked as a gardening inspector and was gardening director of the Joachim Ernst Foundation in Wörlitzer Park from 1920 to 1938 and 1946 to 1948 . There he carried out the first restoration measures in the historical gardens.

On November 10, 1938 , with his courageous intervention, he saved the Wörlitz synagogue from destruction by two SA men who wanted to set the synagogue on fire. He was retired a short time later. After the end of the Second World War he was called back to his old office.

Synagogue saved by Hallervorden

Hans Hallervorden's grandson, Dieter Hallervorden (* 1935), is known as a German actor and theater director .


  • Bernd G. Ulbrich : National Socialism and Anti-Semitism in Anhalt. Sketches for the years 1932 to 1945 . Dessau 2005

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/tagungsberichte/id=7439