Hans Heinrich von Bräuneck

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Johann (= Hans) Heinrich von Bräuneck , also von Brauneck , (* October 7, 1684 in Leipzig ; † January 8, 1743 in Torgau ) was a royal Polish and electoral Saxon chamberlain and hunting junior as well as chief forest master in Torgau and game master in Söllichau.


He was the son of Hans Christoph von Bräuneck (1623–1689). After his training, he embarked on a career in the service of the Albertine Wettins , at whose court in Dresden he was appointed chamberlain. As head forester from 1739 he headed the forest administration for the Saxon office of Torgau and the surrounding area, and as game master he took up his office in what is now the cultural center of Söllichau near Bad Schmiedeberg . Before that, he was vice forest and game master.

In the town of Torgau in 1721 he had acquired a hereditary free house and garden from the von Seydewitz brothers for 250 guilders, with which he was enfeoffed in 1733. The Freihaus was right next to the Ponickau'schen house, which had already come into his possession. When he realized that he was about to die, he sold the Freihaus to his wife on December 6, 1742. He died in Torgau a good month later. On January 11, 1743 he was buried in the monastery church in Torgau.

His wife Sophie Elisabeth von Bräuneck, née von Grünewald, had owned her own free house since at least 1719, which she had bought from Sophia Elisabeth von Mirbach and which was located directly next to her husband's free house. In 1744 she referred to it as the former Vitzthumsche house.


From his marriage to Sophie Elisabeth, born von Grünewald († December 3, 1771 in Torgau), the following children emerged: Henriette Elisabeth (* 1716 in Torgau), George Heinrich (* 1717), Maria Sophia (* 1718), Friederica Ernestina (* 1719), Christiana Wilhelmine (* 1720), Johanna Carolina von Brauneck, first married von Burgsdorff, then von Germar (used in 1771) (* 1722), Hans Christoph (* 1723); Margaretha Hedwig (* 1724), Carl Adolph (* 1731) and Rudolph August von Brauneck (* 1733).


  • Bernd Bendix: History of the State Forestry Office Tornau from its beginnings to 1949. A contribution to the exploration of the Dübener Heide landscape , 2001.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of death of the pastor and superintendent Mag. Martin Grulich in Torgau from February 15, 1744.
  2. Royal. Polish. Elector and Sachsischer Hof und Staatskalender, 1735.