Hans Jörg Mang

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Hans Jörg Mang (born February 4, 1931 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein ; † February 5, 2007 ) was a German nuclear physicist .


As the son of the bank authorized signatory Rudolf Mang and his wife Charlotte Büttner, he studied physics in Mainz and Heidelberg. He obtained his doctorate in 1957 with the subject of theory of alpha decay , where he applied the theory of the shell model of the atomic nucleus to alpha decay .

During a guest stay at the Radiations Laboratory - today: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), he made calculations of the deformation of atomic nuclei, using the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubow method . He also calculated the occurrence of superfluidity in atomic nuclei.

He completed his habilitation in 1961 in Heidelberg. From 1961 to 1964 he taught as a private lecturer at the University of Heidelberg .

From 1964 to 1992 he was at the Technical University of Munich as a professor working for Theoretical Physics. Here he achieved international recognition with his work on the microscopic theory of the structure and reactions of atomic nuclei .

Taking into account the Hartree-Fock-Bogliubow method , he made microscopic observations of atomic nuclei in the rotating system. The methods obtained represent a standardized procedure for the representation of phenomena of the high-spin behavior of atomic nuclei.

From 1957 he married Carola Lehn, from which two children (Daniel and Belisa) emerged.

His grave is in the Garching cemetery .


  • On the theory of a-decay , 1959


Individual evidence

  1. Gerd Otto-Rieke: Graves in Bavaria . Munich 2000. p. 34.