Hans Klee

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Hans Klee with his daughter Mathilde, daughter-in-law Lily , grandson Felix and wife Ida Klee (Bern 1908)

Hans Wilhelm Klee (* 1849 ; † 1940 ) was a German musician, music teacher and author. He was the father of the painter Paul Klee .


Hans Wilhelm Klee comes from Tann . He came in 1849 as the son of the chief clerk and student Johann Peter Klee and Elise, born. Goebel to the world. First he completed a teacher training and then studied singing, piano and violin at the Stuttgart Conservatory .

Klee worked as music director in Altstätten from 1877 to 1887 and as conductor of the men's choir in Bern from 1889 to 1899 . Until 1931 he taught as a singing teacher at the State Bern Teachers' College in Hofwil . Klee also worked as a composer, among other things he created a number of male choirs for the program of the Bern Male Choir. He was also the author of several books a. a. to biblical verses.

Klee married Marie Ida Klee, born in Switzerland, in 1875. Frick (1855-1921). He met her at the Stuttgart Conservatory, where she trained as a singer. His wife was unable to do this job for health reasons; she was paralyzed from around 1900. The couple had a daughter and a younger son, the painter Paul Klee . Hans Klee was critical of his son's artistic career, which he initially tried to prevent, despite the successes that occurred, and repeatedly stated that he did not understand his art.

Works (selection)

  • Ruth, retelling the Bible in a bound speech. Bern 1921.
  • The psalter. Bern 1925.
  • From the Preacher - Biblical Poetry in German. Bern 1926.
  • The letter e in its phonetic meaning - contributions to the maintenance of naturally good written German. Bern 1928.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Susanna Partsch : Paul Klee, 1879–1940. Benedikt Taschen, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3-8228-5981-8 , p. 8.
  2. Klee, Hans. In: Edgar Refardt : Historical-biographical music dictionary of Switzerland. Hug, Leipzig 1928.
  3. Manfred Clemenz : The Myth Paul Klee: A biographical and cultural-historical investigation. Böhlau Verlag, Cologne 2016, ISBN 978-3-412-50186-0 , pp. 15-16.