Hans Krumenauer

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Hans Krumenauer (also: Krummauer , Chrumpenawer , Gumpenauer ; * around 1350 to 1360 in Krummau ; † after 1410 in Passau ) was a German builder .

Krumenauer probably received his training from Peter Parler . He was the builder of the Gothic church in Frauenau , built in 1396 , the predecessor of today's parish church of the Assumption of Mary . In 1395 he is mentioned in a document as a master and stonemason in Landshut . At that time he was probably in charge of the construction of St. Martin's Church and built the choir and the east section of the nave until around 1400 . Around 1402 he worked for the Niederaltaich monastery and for the court of the Duchy of Straubing-Holland . Duke Johann III. enfeoffed him in 1405 with a quarry near Kelheim .

In 1405 he appeared as master builder for the cathedral in Passau, and still held this office in 1410. In Passau he created the choir, begun in 1407, the transept and the crossing dome of St. Stephen's Cathedral . Krumenauer is probably also the master of the Erasmus choir of the gentleman's chapel, which was completed in 1414. There is also much to suggest that the late Gothic extension of the Heilig-Geist-Spitalkirche in Passau goes back to a concept of the master builder. Participation in the construction of the Church of the Holy Spirit of the Carmelite Monastery of Straubing is assumed. His son Stephan Krumenauer also became a master builder and worked for the Archbishop of Salzburg, among others.
