Hans Oppenheim (musician)

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Hans Oppenheim (born April 25, 1892 in Berlin , † August 19, 1965 in Edinburgh ) was a German-British pianist , conductor and Kapellmeister . He was the son of the Jewish neurologist Hermann Oppenheim .

life and work

From 1911 Oppenheim studied piano with Hermann Zilcher and conducting with Josef Anton Becht at the Royal Conservatory for Music in Munich . From 1913 to 1931 he worked at several European opera houses. In 1931, together with theater specialist Heinrich Reuss, he founded the Deutsche Musikbühne opera ensemble, which was organized as a traveling stage , played with it on leading European theaters and directed it until 1933 with regard to artistic matters.

Because of "racial persecution" Oppenheim emigrated in 1933 via Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria and Czechoslovakia to England in March 1934. There he was briefly interned in June 1940 on the Isle of Man as an Enemy Alien . At the Glyndebourne Festival he conducted Mozart operas. From 1937 to 1945 he directed the Dartington Hall Music Group in Totnes (Devonshire). In 1946 he headed the English Opera Group . In 1951 he founded the Saltire Music Group in Edinburgh together with the violinist and composer Isobel Dunlop and took over its management. After 1949 Oppenheim was again in contact with Germany. From 1959 he established the German-English Music Weeks at Elmau Castle , which he knew from rehearsals with the Deutsche Musikbühne , in which he was able to involve Benjamin Britten , Peter Pears and the Amadeus Quartet , among others .

A few years before his death, Oppenheim went on a concert tour through Germany again, in which he performed works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and other classical masters. Among other things, Oppenheim had trained the British contralto Norma Procter . Oppenheim played numerous works on sound carriers , including for Deutsche Grammophon .


  • Oppenheim, Hans . In: Carl Dahlhaus (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. Personal section: L – Z , supplementary volume. Schott, Mainz 1975, p. 304 f .
  • Matthias Pasdzierny: Hans Oppenheim. In: LexM (dictionary of persecuted musicians of the Nazi regime). Institute for Historical Musicology at the University of Hamburg, 2015, accessed on September 16, 2019 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Carl Dahlhaus. 1975: Hans Oppenheim.
  2. a b c d e f g h i Matthias Pasdzierny. 2015: Hans Oppenheim.
  3. Information from the English language Wikipedia.
  4. a b Indication of the Catalan language Wikipedia with reference to the Enciclopèdia Espasa (Enciclopèdia Espasa Suplement dels anys 1965-66, pàg. 398 ISBN 84-239-4597-9 ).
  5. See the WP article "Norma Procter".