Hans Peter Ipsen

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Hans Peter Ipsen (born December 11, 1907 in Hamburg ; † February 2, 1998 in Mölln ) was a German legal scholar .


Ipsen studied law and graduated with the first state law examination. In 1932 he was at the University of Hamburg with the dissertation Revocation of valid administrative acts to Dr. iur. doctorate and passed his second state examination in law. In 1934 he joined the Hamburg civil service as an assessor.

In the course of the transfer of power to the National Socialists , Ipsen became a member of the SA in 1933 and worked for this Nazi organization in the rank of squad leader as a storm legal advisor and speaker for ideological training. In 1937 he joined the NSDAP . Ipsen worked as a district speaker , cell attendant in the Nazi legal guardian association and was active as a speaker and lecturer for the Reich Legal Office. In 1937 he completed his habilitation at the University of Hamburg under Rudolf Laun with a thesis on politics and justice. The problem of judicial acts of sovereignty . The book aroused great interest not only among lawyers, but also among the leadership of the NSDAP (on the staff of the Führer’s deputy ).

In the Hamburg state administration, Ipsen was involved in the preparation of the Greater Hamburg Act of 1937 and was appointed to the State Council in the same year. On December 1, 1939, Ipsen was appointed professor for public law, European community law, canon law, constitutional law and administrative law at the University of Hamburg. During the Second World War Ipsen worked as a commissioner for the Colonial University of Antwerp and the Free University of Brussels as part of the German occupation policy. In January 1943 he was appointed higher regional judge at the Hanseatic higher regional court. In 1943/44 he also worked as a clerk in the Reich Ministry of Justice . In the Reich Ministry of Justice he headed a department in Department VI (civil law).

After the Second World War , Ipsen was not only considered the doyen of European law within the group of “European law experts from the very beginning”. His interpretation of the EEC as a “functional integration association”, developed following the American theory of functionalism , is legendary. Ipsen soon understood the community “as a primarily economic organization which, with its limited powers, realizes tasks that have become transnational”.

In 1950, developed Ipsen the legal concept of enslavement private for public tasks that once the Federal Constitutional Court was received, particularly in the order of 16 March 1971 on the constitutional complaints against the storage requirements for petroleum products .

Ipsen retired in 1973 .



  • Revocation of valid administrative acts. 1932 (dissertation)
  • Politics and Justice. 1937
  • From Greater Hamburg to the Hanseatic City of Hamburg. 1938
  • Festschrift for Leo Raape. (Ed.) 1948
  • Hamburg State and Administrative Law - Introduction and Sources for Academic Use. 3rd edition, Hamburg, Appel, 1964
  • Dispossession and socialization. by Hans Peter Ipsen; Helmut KJ Ridder, 1952
  • Legal opinion on the settlement of the damage from the liquidation of German assets in Sweden - provided on behalf of the Studiengesellschaft für Privatrechtliche Auslandsinteressen e. V., Bremen by Hans Würdinger and Hans Peter Ipsen. [Typewritten copying]. Hamburg, 1955
  • Hamburg's constitution and administration - from Weimar to Bonn. Hamburg, Appel, 1956
  • Hamburg Festschrift for Friedrich Schack . (Ed.) 1966
  • European Community Law. Tübingen, Mohr, 1972
  • Hefermehl / Ipsen / Schluep / Sieben: National trademark protection and free movement of goods in the European Community. 1979
  • Public commercial law. 1985
  • About the Basic Law. Speech given on the occasion of the beginning of the new year in office of the Rector of the University of Hamburg on November 17, 1949 by Hans Peter Ipsen, Hamburg, Selbstverl. of the University, 1950
  • Constitutional law teacher under the Basic Law - Meetings of their Association, 1949–1992. 1993


  • Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich . Who was what before and after 1945 . 2nd Edition. Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8 .
  • Gert Nicolaysen: Hans Peter Ipsen . In: Law and Jurists in Hamburg , Vol. 2 (1999), pp. 417–433.
  • Norman Paech / Ulrich Krampe: The Faculty of Law and Political Science - Law Department . In: Eckart Krause u. a. (Ed.): Everyday university life in the "Third Reich". The Hamburg University 1933–1945 . Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin / Hamburg 1991, part II, p. 890 ff.
  • Werner Thieme : The constitutions of Europe - Hans Peter Ipsen on the 90th birthday. Cologne, Heymanns, 1997.
  • Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg (Ed.): Hans Peter Ipsen: 1907–1998 . Lit, Münster 2001, ISBN 3-8258-5167-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 278.
  2. ^ Norman Paech / Ulrich Krampe: The Law and Political Science Faculty - Law Department , in: Eckart Krause u. a. (Ed.): Everyday university life in the "Third Reich". The Hamburg University 1933–1945 , 1991, part II, p. 890 ff.
  3. German, Haas, Lindberg a. a. (Quoted from Oppermann / Classen / Nettesheim, Europarecht, 4th edition Munich 2009, p. 65, marginal number 31).
  4. Ipsen, European Community Law, 1972, p. 196.
  5. ^ Oppermann / Classen / Nettesheim, Europarecht, 4th edition Munich 2009, p. 65, Rn 32.
  6. ^ Statutory employment of private individuals for administrative tasks . In: About law and justice. Ceremony for Erich Kaufmann on his 70th birthday September 21, 1950. Stuttgart, 1950, pp. 141–161
  7. BVerfG, decision of March 16, 1971 - 1 BvR 52, 665, 667, 754/66
  8. ^ Law on minimum stocks of petroleum products of September 9, 1965, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1217