Hans Reidelbach

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Hans Reidelbach (born March 8, 1847 in Oberriedenberg ; † April 24, 1911 in Munich ) was a German professor, councilor , entrepreneur and secondary school teacher. He wrote mainly patriotic literature about his native Bavaria as well as many school books.

In 1903 he bought the Steinküppel on the Farnsberg in order to economically exploit the basalt deposits there. After the Jossa – Wildflecken railway line was opened in 1908 , he built a basalt plant in Oberriedenberg and opened up the quarry at Steinküppel via a cable car. In 1911 his tailcoat got caught in a drive belt in the basalt factory and was pulled into a machine. He died as a result of the injuries he sustained. His widow sold the work to Leimbach & Co. GmbH that same year

Works (selection)


  • Biographical Yearbook and German Nekrolog, Volume 16, 1911, list of dead
  • Kürschner's German Literature Calendar. Nekrolog 1901-1935, 1936 (496)

Individual evidence

  1. Alfred Saam: The basalt works in Oberriedenberg with its stone quarries Steinküppel, Gebirgsstein and Kellerstein , 1992, p. 3/4 ( book in the University and State Library of Fulda )