Hans Renner (music writer)

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Hans Renner (* 1901 in Arolsen / Waldeck , † 1971 in Marburg ) was a German music writer , composer , pianist and conductor .


Hans Renner studied music and began his career as a composer, pianist and conductor in Berlin. In 1931 the first performance of his opera Nocturnal Visit took place in Gera .

Renner was a member of the NSDAP before 1934 . From 1934 he was active in the administrative committee of the Reich Chamber of Music . In 1936 his career as a composer and interpreter ended after political difficulties. He withdrew and wrote his first book: Das Wunderreich der Oper . In 1937 he became head of Department III Music in the National Socialist community Kraft durch Freude . H. Renner was a soldier from 1941 to 1945.

In 1946 he became head of the People's Education Office in the Potsdam provincial government in the Soviet Zone and in 1948 head of the arts department and chairman of the Brandenburg Volksbühne. After renewed political conflicts, he moved to West Germany.

Since his escape in 1949, Renner worked successfully as a music writer in the Federal Republic. In 1952 his concert guide appeared , in 1953 the basics of music , in 1955 the chamber music guide and in 1965 the history of music . Shortly before the completion of his Lexicon of Music , Hans Renner died in 1971 in Marburg an der Lahn.


  • The wonder realm of the opera. Four falcons, Berlin 1938.
  • Reclam's concert guide . Orchestral music. Reclam, Stuttgart 1952.
  • Basics of Music. Music theory. Reclam, Stuttgart 1953.
    • New edition: Dorothee Göbel (edit.): Basics of Music (Series Musik Atlantis, Schott; Vol. 8367). 18., rework. Edition. Atlantis, Mainz 2003, ISBN 3-254-08367-9 .
  • Reclam's chamber music guide. Reclam, Stuttgart 1955.
  • History of music. DVA, Stuttgart 1965, ISBN 3-421-06244-7 .
  • Opera, operetta, musical. A guide through the musical theater of our time. Südwest, Munich 1969 (later editions under the title Renner's guide through opera, operetta, musical ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Fred K. Prieberg : Handbook of German Musicians 1933–1945 , CD-Rom-Lexikon, Kiel 2004, p. 5.708.