Hans Sachtleben

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The grave of Hans Sachtleben and his wife Marga in the Friedrichshagen cemetery in Berlin.

Hans Sachtleben (born June 24, 1893 in Magdeburg , † April 5, 1967 in Berlin ) was a German zoologist .


The son of a Magdeburg dentist finished his scientific studies at the University of Munich in 1917 with a doctorate. Until 1920 he was a scientific assistant in the Zoological State Collection in Munich. From 1920 he was a research assistant, later head of the department at the Biological Reich Institute for Agriculture and Forestry in Berlin-Dahlem. From 1939 to 1962 he headed the German Entomological Institute in Berlin-Friedrichshagen and developed it into the global central office for the information service on insects. During and after the war he campaigned vigorously for the preservation of the valuable collections and the literature of the German Entomological Institute.

He worked in the field of systematic and applied entomology , examined hyperparasites, in particular parasitic wasps, and worked out essential approaches for biological pest control. He supported scientific journalism as editor of the journal works on morphological and taxonomic entomology (1934–1944). In 1951 he founded the journal Entomology Articles .

The German Entomological Institute was established by the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and taken over by the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1952.


  • Biological pest control . German Academy d. Agricultural Sciences, Berlin 1959.
  • Report on the 8th hiking meeting of German entomologists . German Academy d. Agricultural Sciences, Berlin 1957.
  • Common kestrel and buzzard, sparrowhawk and hawk . Biolog. Reichsanstalt f. Land u. Forestry, Berlin-Dahlem 1930.
  • Handbook of Softwood Studies , together with Heinrich Klebahn , Otto Luyken , Jost Fitschen and Ludwig Beissner . P. Parey, Berlin 1930.
  • The mole . Biolog. Reichsanstalt f. Land u. Forestry, Berlin-Dahlem 1929.
  • The Forleule . Julius Springer, Berlin 1929.
  • Fighting the vole . Biolog. Reichsanstalt f. Land u. Forestry, Berlin-Dahlem 1929.
  • The fight against the rabbit plague . Biolog. Reichsanstalt f. Land u. Forestry, Berlin-Dahlem 1926.
  • The fight against field mice . Biolog. Reichsanstalt f. Land u. Forestry, Berlin-Dahlem 1924.
  • About the development of the genital organs of Chironomus with special consideration of the substances accompanying the germ line . Munich 1918.

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Commons : Hans Sachtleben  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files