Hans Steinemann

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Hans Steinemann (born August 23, 1890 in Oschersleben , † January 18, 1965 in West Berlin ) was a German politician ( KPD ) and trade unionist . He was a member of the state parliament of the Free State of Mecklenburg-Schwerin .


Steinemann learned the trade of locksmith and worked in central Germany. From 1914 to 1918 he served as a soldier in the First World War .

After the war he moved to Wismar and worked as a master machinist and later as a marine machinist. In 1918 he joined the USPD, in 1920 he switched to the KPD. In Wismar he was one of the best-known representatives of the administrative office of the German Metalworkers' Association (DMV). In February 1924 Steinemann was elected as a member of the KPD in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. From 1925 to 1928 he was chairman of the Red Front Fighter League in Mecklenburg. As a supporter of the left opposition within the KPD, he was not re-run as a candidate in the state elections in June in 1926. In the Reichstag election of May 20, 1928 , Steinemann ran together with Hans Kollwitz , Heinrich Rau , Karl Ross , Hermann Schuldt and Hermann Stöckel on the KPD's list in constituency 35 (Mecklenburg). However, only Kollwitz, who had also headed the list in constituency 1 (East Prussia), was elected to the Reichstag.

In 1929 Steinemann, like many trade unionists in the KPD, turned against the party leadership's new RGO policy. In 1929 Steinemann was expelled from the KPD. Afterwards he no longer emerged politically. In the Wismar DMV from 1930 he supported the social democratic managing director, Karl Moritz .


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Individual evidence

  1. According to other information on September 22nd
  2. ^ Announcement of May 11, 1928 about the Reichstag elections in constituency 35 Mecklenburg . In: Government Gazette for Mecklenburg-Schwerin , May 15, 1928.