Hans Todt

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Hans Todt , contemporary also Hannß Todt u. Ä., was a leading civil servant in Saxony . He's in the years 1563-1571 as the Office Schösser or office manager of the Office Schwarzenberg detectable.

Mention of Hans Todt with reference to 1563 and Elector August von Sachsen in a report from the 18th century


For example, he was personally present as the administrator when the plot of land for the new glassworks was marked out by Sebastian Preißler in Oberjugel in 1571 . Hans describes himself in a report to the Elector from June 1563 regarding the purchase of Neustädtel near Schneeberg and the two villages Schönheide and Stützengrün , which Balthasar Friedrich Edler von der Planitz, including large forests reaching as far as the Bohemian border, had offered to Elector August Todt at the beginning of the report as an office administrator and in the signature as an office administrator.


During the tenure of Hans Todt or shortly before that, the Forest and Holtz Ordinance of Elector August of Saxony of September 8, 1560 was issued for the Schwarzenberg office . It was not just an instruction to the local administration, but regulated the use of the forest, the delimitation of areas and other matters in a binding manner for subjects. Although she names individual office holders, such as the hunter master of the native Creyses Cornelien von Rüxleben , and numerous subjects by name. However, the bailiff von Schwarzenberg is only mentioned in his function, not by name.

Individual evidence

  1. Schönheider Wochenblatt, No. 51/2013 of December 13, 2013, p. 1
  2. Gottfried August Arndt: Archive of Saxon History , Part 2, Leipzig 1785, pages 383–388 ( link to digitized version )
  3. Georg Viktor Schmid: Handbook of all forest and hunting laws of the Kingdom of Saxony that have been published since 1560 up to the most recent time , first part of forest laws, from FW Goedsche, Meißen 1839, p. 3ff. Digitized version , accessed on July 31, 2015