Hans Walther von Hürnheim

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Detail from the grave monument of Hans Walther von Hirnheim from 1557 in the church of San Giacomo degli Spagnuoli in Naples
Hans Walther von Hürnheim on the coat of arms of Kirchheim

Hans Walther von Hürnheim (Hirnheim) (* around 1500 in Kirchheim in Swabia ; † September 15, 1557 in Naples ) was an imperial councilor and famous mercenary leader .


Around 1500 Hans Walther von Hürnheim was born as the son of Walther von Hürnheim (d. 1516, grave monument in the parish church of Kirchheim in Swabia) and Dorothea, née. von Welden, born.

Hans Walther von Hürnheim was the ruler of Kirchheim, Eppishausen , Hochaltingen , Hüttlingen and Stettenfels . The coat of arms of Kirchheim (awarded during the Diet of Speyer in 1544, handwritten signature of Emperor Karl V) still depicts it today.

He held a variety of offices throughout his life. He was ducal Bavarian councilor, ducal Bavarian nurse of Aichach , royal and imperial councilor, colonel of the mercenaries, chief forester of the margraviate Burgau and imperial chamberlain and stewardess . As a special distinction from the emperor, he was made a golden knight ( knight of the golden spur ) around 1535 and, according to the historian Eberhard Schmitt, belonged to a European elite with a high political and diplomatic function.

He was married to Martha (née Gosl ), the marriage remained childless. Martha Gösslin was maiden maiden with the Bavarian Duchess Maria Jakobäa from 1525 to 1535. Later from around 1535 she was chamberlain to Queen Maria, the sister of Charles V and governor in the Netherlands, in Brussels.

Soldier career

Von Hürnheim began his soldier career as a captain over four flags for the Teutonic Order in the Turkish Wars of the 1530s under Konrad von Bemelberg . Further stations in his career as a soldier were:

  • 1537 Colonel over a regiment of mercenaries in the Netherlands and France
  • 1544 Colonel of the Landsknechte before Metz
  • 1544–1546 diplomatic negotiations with the electors of Hesse and Saxony and the Duke of Württemberg
  • 1546 Obrister over a regiment of German mercenaries, Spanish riflemen and 300 Dutch horsemen (besieged Nördlingen)
  • 1547 Battle of Mühlberg, colonel over eleven troopers
  • In 1552 he conducts preliminary negotiations on the Linz Talks ( Prince's War )
  • 1552 Defense of the Ehrenberger Klause with the Hanswalther regiment named after Hürnheim
  • 1552 diplomatic negotiations with the Protestant electors in Augsburg and Linz (Linz talks)
  • 1555 Colonel with South German mercenaries in the Netherlands
  • 1557 Obrister over 10,000 German mercenaries for the liberation of Naples (occupation by papal troops)

On September 15, 1557 von Hürnheim died of illness in Genzzano near Rome. His funerary monument is in San Giacomo degli Sagnuoli in Naples.


  • Ernst jun. and Helmut Striebel : Hans Walther von Hürnheim - Kirchheimer coat of arms and Swabian Landsknechtsführer, MZ-Verlagsdruckerei GmbH Memmingen 1994

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