Hans Less

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Hans Less , born in Johann Franz Less (born June 10, 1925 in Vienna , Austria , † February 18, 1996 in Hamburg , Germany ) was an Austrian actor and banker .


The worker's son completed an apprenticeship at the rubber and tire company Semperit in Vienna from 1939 to 1942 and was drafted in 1942. Less was trained in the Air Force in France , but served in the army at the end of the war. In 1945 he returned to Vienna and received artistic instruction from Eugen Herbert Kuchenbuch , Dorothea Neff and Zdenko Kestranek from December 1945 to June 1947 .

Hans Less began his acting career in autumn 1946. He received early roles in Walter Felsenstein's production of Die Räuber and in operettas ( Die Fledermaus , Melodien aus Wien ). From autumn 1947 to autumn 1948 he was employed as an actor at RAVAG . He then moved to the New Theater in der Scala . In 1949, Less went on tour with Scala to Berlin , where he received follow-up engagements at the Hebbel Theater , the German Theater under Wolfgang Langhoff and the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm . In East Berlin he worked regularly with Bertolt Brecht . Hans Less played important roles in Jegor Bulytschew ( Maxim Gorki ) and Brigade Karhan ( Vašek Káňa ), among others . He also took on small roles in film, for example in the DEFA production Ernst Thälmann - son of his class .

In 1957 , Hans Less, who had been married to actress Sigrid Roth since 1953, moved with his family (two sons, one of them Kay ) to Hamburg. There he made a career change and worked in a managerial position at Deutsche Bank until his retirement (end of 1989) . Less also wrote radio plays .


  • Herbert A. Frenzel , Hans Joachim Moser (ed.): Kürschner's biographical theater manual. Drama, opera, film, radio. Germany, Austria, Switzerland. De Gruyter, Berlin 1956, DNB 010075518 , p. 801.
  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 , p. 1863.

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to his son Kay Less