Hans Wesemann

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Hans Wesemann (born February 7, 1895 in Nienburg an der Weser ; † October 23, 1971 in Caracas ) was a German journalist and Gestapo agent .

Wesemann was an editor for the SPD newspaper “ Vorwärts ” during the Weimar Republic . In 1933 he moved to Paris and later to London, where he was recruited by the Gestapo in 1934.

In 1935 Wesemann was significantly involved in the kidnapping of the Nazi-critical journalist Berthold Jacob from France to Germany. The matter was exposed and Wesemann was sentenced to three years in prison by a Swiss court in 1936 .

After his imprisonment in Switzerland, Hans Wesemann emigrated to South America.


  • Jost Nikolaus Willi: The Jacob-Wesemann case (1935/36). A contribution to the history of Switzerland in the interwar period . Bern 1972
  • Peter Finkelgruen : Berthold Jacob - From which Wesemann was he kidnapped? In: Gabrielle Alioth et al. a. (Ed.): At the intersection of times. Authors write about authors. An anthology by the Penzentrum of German-Speaking Authors Abroad . Heidelberg 2012, pp. 53-60

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Individual evidence

  1. James J. Barnes, Patience P. Barnes: Nazi Refugee Turned Gestapo Spy: The Life of Hans Wesemann, 1895–1971. Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport Connecticut 2001, ISBN 0-275-97124-4 .
  2. S. HWWA press kit, Frankfurter Zeitung May 8, 1936