Hanseatic History Association

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Hansischer Geschichtsverein e. V.
(Hanseatic History Association)
purpose Research and presentation of the history of the Hanseatic League and the Hanseatic cities
Chair: Jürgen Sarnowsky
Establishment date: 1871
Seat : Lübeck
Website: hansischergeschichtsverein.de

The Hanseatic History Association is a history association that researches the history of the Hanseatic League and the Hanseatic cities. Traditionally, many university-based Hanseatic researchers are active in the Hanseatic History Association. In 2010, the chairmanship passed from Antjekathrin Graßmann to Rolf Hammel-Kiesow and in 2019 to Jürgen Sarnowsky .


The Hanseatic History Association can look back on almost one hundred and fifty years of history and today has a great reputation, especially in the scientific field. Its formation was decided at a meeting of interested personalities and associations from several Hanseatic cities on May 24, 1870 in the town hall of Stralsund on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Stralsund Peace of 1370 and carried out a year later. The first chairman of the association was the Lübeck teacher and historian Wilhelm Mantels from 1871 to 1879 , who as a teacher at the Katharineum also headed the city ​​library . He was followed by Senator Wilhelm Brehmer , who was chairman from 1879 to 1903. In 1903, the future mayor Emil Ferdinand Fehling took over the management of the association until 1920. From there, the chairmanship passed to Mayor Johann Martin Andreas Neumann in 1921 .

Club activities

The association has traditionally Pentecostal meetings of the Hanseatic League history by and has its own publication series, including the Hanseatic Geschichtsblätter .

Web links

Wikiversity: Hanse  - course materials

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report on the Stralsund event in the Stralsundische Zeitung of May 28th, 1870, digitized version in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Digital Library [1] .
  2. ^ Wilhelm Mantels, Der Hansische Geschichtsverein, In: Hansische Geschichtsblätter, 1. Jg. (1871), pp. 1–8.