Hansjürgen Hilgert

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Hansjürgen Hilgert , also Hans-Jürgen Hilgert (born March 6, 1940 in Berlin ; † March 29, 2010 in Bitburg ) was a German film producer , screenwriter and director .


Hans-Jürgen Hilgert took part in the Bonn stage for sensual perception - KONZIL with the films Flucht (1961) and Dawn (1963) produced together with Gerhard Schmidt and with the production of TAU. Emphasis for stage by Gerd Hergen Lübben (1963).

The filmmaker team Hansjürgen Hilgert and Gerhard Schmidt (direction, production), Gerd Hergen Lübben (book, texts) and Georg Müller-Egert (music) received for their third short film, From the life of Georg Wenzel , as part of the Mannheimer XIII. International Film Week in 1964 the Federal Film Prize .

Hilgert has received several awards for his films, including a. with: Prize of the Oberhausen Short Film Festival (1965); European Parliament Prize (Ecovision Birmingham 1987); Gold Medal - Prix Leonardo (Parma 1989); 1st prize of the NATURALE (Bad Dürkheim 1993); Civis Media Prize for Tolerance and Understanding (1999, Ein Tutsi in Dresden ); German television award “Best Reportage” (2001, The Decision Makers ).

Filmography (selection)

  • 1960: Aspects
  • 1961: escape
  • 1962: Dawn
  • 1964: From the life of Georg Wenzel
  • 1966: Oskar Kokoschka paints Konrad Adenauer
  • 1966: Election campaign - Made in Germany
  • 1967: Learn from the past
  • 1968: PR - Public Relations
  • 1970: He gets up at five
  • 1972: Shit - youth without a future
  • 1999: A Tutsi in Dresden
  • 2001: The decision-makers
  • 2002: Automobile men - with overalls and ties
  • 2006: Ami - stay here! The city of Baumholder and its US troops

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Federal Film Prize to Bonn. Team Hilgert-Schmidt received cultural film award ”; in: Bonner Rundschau, October 14, 1964.
  2. ^ In the "Bundesarchiv" : short film from the life of Georg Wenzel (1964).