Harald Lindberg

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Harald Lindberg, 1904

Harald Lindberg (born November 2, 1871 in Helsinki , † March 13, 1963 ibid) was a Finnish botanist of Swedish descent. His father was the bryologist Sextus Otto Lindberg (1835-1889). His botanical author's abbreviation is " H. Lindb. "

Live and act

Lindberg studied science at the University of Helsinki . After graduating, he worked as a secondary school teacher for a few years. In 1910 Lindberg received his doctorate from the University of Helsinki with a dissertation on Alchemilla vulgaris . He then worked as the first conservator at the Helsinki Botanical Museum until his retirement in 1941 .

Throughout his career, Lindberg collected and studied the flora of Fennos Scandinavia , including subfossil species and mosses . Lindberg made important discoveries in his studies of the native plants of southern Europe and northern Africa, e. B. in Spain , Sicily , Greece , Cyprus and Morocco . In 1932 he visited Great Britain and Ireland , where he collected species of the genus Taraxacum .

In his work in taxonomy, he described 150 new species. From 1906 to 1945 he was entrusted with the compilation of the Plantae Finlandiae Exsiccatae . In the field of entomology, Lindberg published the treatise Coleoptera insularum Canariensium (1958).


In 1969, the grass genus Lindbergella was named by Norman Loftus Bor in his honor.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c JSTOR Global Plants Biography
  2. Coleoptera insularum Canariensium in the Google book search
  3. Biodiversity Heritage Library Taxonomic literature. A selective guide to botanical publications
  4. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]
  5. ^ Harald Lindberg In: Open Library publications.

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