Harry Prünster

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Harald Prünster (Vienna 2009)

Harald "Harry" Prünster (born December 12, 1956 in Schwaz in Tyrol ) is a former teacher , now a TV presenter and humorist.


Harry Prünster graduated from Schwaz in 1975 and passed the teaching examination for German and physical exercise at the Pedagogical Academy in Innsbruck in 1978 . He then taught at the secondary school in Schwaz, and in the autumn of 1986 he was appointed as a teacher trainer at the Pedagogical Institute of the State of Tyrol in Innsbruck.

At the beginning of the 1970s he was already working as a radio presenter at the ORF regional studio in Tyrol. In 1991 he won the Bavarian-Austrian joke competition Gaudimax . In 1992, the ORF decided to include the Gaudimax joke competition as an Austrian game show, moderated by Prünster. Since the TV work increased more and more, Prünster resigned from the school service and started his own business with Pro Concept-Werbe GmbH. In 1993, the ORF created the summer show "Oh, you mein Österreich", which traveled through Austria with a circus tent and made stops in attractive tourist regions. Prünster arrived on the main Saturday evening. All of his programs "Gaudimax", "Alle neune", "Oh, du mein Österreich", "Harrys liabste Hütten", "Very funny !?", to name just a few, were and are notable successes with ratings.

In addition to his TV work, Harry Prünster still moderates radio programs. Since 1998 he has presented the Radiofrühschoppen on ORF Vorarlberg and since October 2008 also the ORF Radio Tirol morning pint. Since July 6, 2003, Prünster has had his leisure program "Harry's liabste Hütt'n" on ORF 2 on Sunday afternoons, in which he presents beautiful summer and winter sports regions with their popular huts and hosts.

In spring 2007 he danced in the 3rd season of the ORF show " Dancing Stars ".

Also in the two ORF seasons of " Das Match " (2008, 2010) Prünster cut a fine figure as a footballer and played against both Switzerland and Germany.

Harry Prünster3, who is still humorous live, also tours again and again with his band - the Fabulous Boys - through Austria. He presents a humorous program with the best hits of the seventies and eighties under the title "Cool joke ', great hits".

Since February 2016 he has been working with Lydia Prenner-Kasper and Gery Seidl on the cult show “ Sehr witzig !? “On Puls 4, which always ensures the best ratings.

In July 2019 he started a new series on ORF2. "Harry's most beautiful time" introduces interesting people from Austrian regions who philosophize with Harry.

Programs (selection)

  • "ORF Radiofrühschoppen" for Tyrol and Vorarlberg
  • Fun in the snow
  • Attention camera
  • All nine
  • Oh, you my Austria
  • Spring time with Harry Prünster
  • Easter time with Harry Prünster
  • Advent time with Harry Prünster
  • Harry's liabste Hütt'n
  • Very funny !? on PULS 4


  • 1991 - Gaudimax
  • 1992 - Maximum Gaudi - Episode 2
  • 1994 - Maximum Gaudi - Episode 3
  • 1994 - Yes, what's going to be?
  • 1996 - time to laugh
  • 1997 - The best fax jokes and lots of new things
  • 2005 - Harry's liabste hut songs and jokes
  • 2006 - ORF morning pint with Harry Prünster


Web links